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[英]How to map an array object with key from different array set in javascript

我正在VueJS中构建一个小型应用程序, VueJS以以下格式获取响应:

        "client_name":"Test Company 4",
        "client_name":"Test Company 5",


const nature = [
    {value: 1, label: "Demo 1"},
    {value: 2, label: "Demo 2"},
    {value: 3, label: "Demo 3"}

我想用这个数据集将我的meeting_summaries映射到meeting_summaries -> nature点指向nature -> value以便我的最终输出看起来像这样:

        'nature_name": "Demo 1",
        "client_name":"Test Company 4",
        'nature_name": "Demo 2",
        "client_name":"Test Company 5",


 const object = { meeting_summaries: [{ interaction_id: 22, nature: "1", client_name: "Test Company 4" }, { interaction_id: 22, nature: "2", client_name: "Test Company 5", mention_name: "Analyst" }] }, nature = [{ value: 1, label: "Demo 1" }, { value: 2, label: "Demo 2" }, { value: 3, label: "Demo 3" }], natureMap = Object.assign(...nature.map(o => ({ [o.value]: o.label }))); object.meeting_summaries.forEach(o => o.nature_name = natureMap[o.nature]); console.log(object); 
 .as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100% !important; top: 0; } 


 const a = { "meeting_summaries":[ { "id":1, "company_id":7, "interaction_id":22, "nature":"1", "user_id":1, "action":"Action Test 1", "feedback":"Comment Test 1", "created_at":"2017-06-04 10:15:02", "updated_at":"2017-06-04 10:15:02", "deleted_at":null, "client_name":"Test Company 4", "mention_name":"Analyst" }, { "id":2, "company_id":8, "interaction_id":22, "nature":"2", "user_id":1, "action":"Action Test 2", "feedback":"Comment Test 2", "created_at":"2017-06-04 10:15:02", "updated_at":"2017-06-04 10:15:02", "deleted_at":null, "client_name":"Test Company 5","mention_name":"Analyst" } ] }; const nature = [ {value: 1, label: "Demo 1"}, {value: 2, label: "Demo 2"}, {value: 3, label: "Demo 3"}, {value: 4, label: "Demo 4"}, {value: 5, label: "Demo 5"} ] const res = a.meeting_summaries.map(ms => Object.assign(ms, (nature.find(n => n.value == ms.nature)) // if corresponding object exists ? { nature_name: nature.find(n => n.value == ms.nature).label } : {} )) console.log(res) 


 const nature = [{value: 1, label: "Demo 1"},{value: 2, label: "Demo 2"},{value: 3, label: "Demo 3"}]; const obj = {meeting_summaries: [{"interaction_id":22,"nature":"1","client_name":"Test Company 4",},{"interaction_id":22,"nature":"2","client_name":"Test Company 5"}]}; obj.meeting_summaries.forEach(el => el.nature_name = nature.find(n => n.value == el.nature).label); console.log(obj); 
 .as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100% !important; top: 0; } 

您没有提供完整的上下文,但是让我们假设“ meeting_summaries”是可变的:

 var meeting_summaries = [{ "interaction_id": 22, "nature": "1", "client_name": "Test Company 4", }, { "interaction_id": 22, "nature": "2", "client_name": "Test Company 5", "mention_name": "Analyst" } ] const nature = [ { value: 1, label: "Demo 1" }, { value: 2, label: "Demo 2" }, { value: 3, label: "Demo 3" } ] var meeting_summaries = meeting_summaries.map(ms => { ms.nature_name = nature.find(n => ms.nature == n.value).label; return ms }) console.log(meeting_summaries) 


const meeting_summaries = [ { "interaction_id":22, "nature":"1", "client_name":"Test Company 4", }, { "interaction_id":22, "nature":"2", "client_name":"Test Company 5", } ];

    const nature = [ {value: 1, label: "Demo 1"}, {value: 2, label: "Demo 2"}, {value: 3, label: "Demo 3"} ];

    const natureMap = nature.reduce((accum,current)=>{
                accum[current.value] = current.label;
                return accum;
    }, { });

    const result = meeting_summaries.map(item => {
            item.nature_name = natureMap[item.nature];
            return item;



 const baseObj = { "meeting_summaries": [ { "interaction_id": 22, "nature": "1", "client_name": "Test Company 4", }, { "interaction_id": 22, "nature": "2", "client_name": "Test Company 5", } ] } const natures = [ {value: 1, label: "Demo 1"}, {value: 2, label: "Demo 2"} ] const meeting_summaries = baseObj.meeting_summaries natures.forEach((nature, index) => { meeting_summaries[index]["nature_name"] = nature.label }) console.log(baseObj) 
 .as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100% !important; top: 0; } 


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