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C ++程序确定税金

[英]C++ program to determine taxes

因此,该代码应要求用户输入其收入,无论是共同报税还是单独报税,输出总收入和所得税,然后询问用户是否要重做或退出。 但是由于某种原因,它会迫使您在每次输入之前继续输入两次。 我知道我可能缺少一些简单的代码问题,但我无法弄清楚。 使用Visual Studio,请帮忙!

int main()
    double income = 0;
    double taxRate = 0;
    double add = 0;
    double subtract = 0;
    double incomeTax = 0;
    string taxStatus = "";
    string file = "";
    string answer = "";
    cout << "\nPlease enter your income to calculate your taxes\n " << endl;
    cin >> income;
    while (!(cin >> income)) //get input
        if (isdigit(income))

            //if input fails, run this
            cout << "\nSorry, that was not a valid number. Please enter a valid number\n ";
    cin.ignore(80, '\n');

    cout << "\nIf you will be filing singly, enter 's'. If you will be filing jointly, enter 'm'\n ";
    cin >> file;
    while (!(cin >> file)) //get input
        if (file == "s" || "m")
            cin.ignore(80, '\n');

            //if input fails, run this
            cout << "\nThat is not a correct input, please enter s/m\n ";

        if (file == "s")
            if (income <= 863)
                taxRate = .022;
                subtract = 0;
                add = 0;

            if (income >= 864 & income <= 2588)
                taxRate = .033;
                subtract = 863;
                add = 25;

            if (income >= 2589 & income <= 4313)
                taxRate = .062;
                subtract = 2588;
                add = 85;

            if (income > 4313)
                taxRate = .075;
                subtract = 4313;
                add = 181;

        if (file == "m")
            if (income <= 1726)
                taxRate = .022;
                subtract = 0;
                add = 0;

            if (income >= 1727 & income <= 5176)
                taxRate = .033;
                subtract = 1726;
                add = 40;

            if (income >= 5177 & income <= 8626)
                taxRate = .062;
                subtract = 5176;
                add = 175;

            if (income > 8626)
                taxRate = .075;
                subtract = 8626;
                add = 390;

    incomeTax = ((income - subtract) * taxRate) + add;

    cout << "\nYour taxable income is " << income << endl;

    if (file == "s")
        taxStatus = "Singly";
    if (file == "m")
        taxStatus = "Jointly";
    cout << "\nand you are filing " << taxStatus << endl;

    cout << "\nThat means your income tax will be " << incomeTax << endl;

    cout << "\nWould you like to conduct another operation, y/n?\n ";
    cin >> answer;
    while (!(cin >> answer)) //get input
        if (answer == "y")
            goto top;
        if (answer == "n")
            //if input fails, run this
            cout << "\nThat is not a correct input, please enter y/n. ";
    cin.ignore(80, '\n');


    return 0;

您在代码中有一些小错误,例如if(file == "s"|| "m"这是不正确的,应该是if(file == "s" || file == "m")并且您有一个&这是一个引用,它接受变量或按位的地址。您想要的是两个&& ,这意味着和

while (!(isdigit(income))) // does after cin >> income;
        //if input fails, run this
        cout << "\nSorry, that was not a valid number. Please enter a valid number\n ";
        cin >> income

while (!(file == "s" || file == "m")) //this goes after cin >> file;
        cout << "\nThat is not a correct input, please enter s/m\n ";
        cin >> file;

因此,我让它不再要求两次输入,因此感谢您的帮助。 在以美元格式输出收入和所得税并在末尾选择“ y”时返回程序的开始时,我仍然遇到问题。 有什么建议么?

int main()
    double income = 0; //double stores income input
    double taxRate = 0;//double stores tax rate
    double add = 0;//double stores value added
    double subtract = 0;//double stores value to be subtracted
    double incomeTax = 0;//double stores final income tax
    string taxStatus = "";//string stores status of single or joint
    string file = "";//string stores values of s or m
    string answer = "";//string stores values of y or n
    //asks user to input income value
    cout << "\nPlease enter your income to calculate your taxes\n " << endl;
    while (!(cin >> income)) //get input
        if (isdigit(income) & income > 0)//if value is positive or numbers, exits loop

        else//if value is not valid, runs this
            //if input fails, run this
            cin.clear();//clears line
            cout << "\nSorry, that was not a valid number. Please enter a valid number\n ";//asks user to input valid input
    cin.ignore(80, '\n');

    //asks user to enter whether filing singly or jointly
    cout << "\nIf you will be filing singly, enter 's'. If you will be filing jointly, enter 'm'\n ";
    while (!(cin >> file)) //get input
        if (file == "s" || "m")//if input is valid, save and break loop
            cin.ignore(80, '\n');

        else//if value not valid, print message and repeat
            //if input fails, run this
            cout << "\nThat is not a correct input, please enter s/m\n ";

        if (file == "s")//loop determines double values for single filing
            if (income <= 863)//if income is under this value, use these settings
                taxRate = .022;
                subtract = 0;
                add = 0;

            if (income >= 864 & income <= 2588)//if income is between these values, use these settings
                taxRate = .033;
                subtract = 863;
                add = 25;

            if (income >= 2589 & income <= 4313)//if income is between these values, use these settings
                taxRate = .062;
                subtract = 2588;
                add = 85;

            if (income > 4313)//if income is above this value, use these settings
                taxRate = .075;
                subtract = 4313;
                add = 181;

        if (file == "m")//sets double values if joint filing
            if (income <= 1726)//if income is under this value, use these settings
                taxRate = .022;
                subtract = 0;
                add = 0;

            if (income >= 1727 & income <= 5176)//if income is between these values, use these settings
                taxRate = .033;
                subtract = 1726;
                add = 40;

            if (income >= 5177 & income <= 8626)//if income is between these values, use these settings
                taxRate = .062;
                subtract = 5176;
                add = 175;

            if (income > 8626)//if income is above this value, use these settings
                taxRate = .075;
                subtract = 8626;
                add = 390;

    incomeTax = ((income - subtract) * taxRate) + add;//determines value of income tax

    cout << "\nYour taxable income is " << income << endl;//prints total income

    if (file == "s")//prints 'single' if 's' is selected
        taxStatus = "Singly";
    if (file == "m")//prints 'jointly' if 'm' selected
        taxStatus = "Jointly";
    cout << "\nand you are filing " << taxStatus << endl;//prints filing status

    cout << "\nThat means your income tax will be " << incomeTax << endl;//prints actual income tax

    cout << "\nWould you like to conduct another operation, y/n?\n ";//asks if user wants to do another filing
    while (!(cin >> answer)) //get input
        if (answer == "y")//returns to start of program if yes
            goto top;
        if (answer == "n")//breaks loop if no
        else//if not valid answer, print message and run again
            //if input fails, run this
            cout << "\nThat is not a correct input, please enter y/n. ";//asks user to try again
    cin.ignore(80, '\n');


    return 0;//ends program


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