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[英]Implementing a function similar to EXCEL Lookup in VB.net

我有很多代码,需要生成随机数,然后根据百分比选择选项。 我只需使用Mersenne Twister的实现并生成0到100之间的双精度,然后按选择大小写按百分比分配结果,就可以毫无问题地工作。 它工作正常,但是非常麻烦,说实话,我厌倦了每次都不断写出来的东西。

我更喜欢类似于EXCEL的Lookup Function的功能,在其中您可以提供两个数组,例如LOOKUP(5, {1,10,20,30,40}, {"1-10", "11-20", "21-30","31-40"})

在这种情况下它将返回:“ 1-10”,因为5在1-10之间。

有没有一种简单的方法可以使用LINQ来实现C#/ VB.Net版本? 我敢肯定一定有,但是我对如何实现这样的事情迷茫了。 与长选择案例语句相比,编写这一行代码要容易得多。




Public Function LookUp(Of T)(ByVal value As IComparable, ByVal Values() As IComparable, ByVal Result() As T) As Object
    If Values Is Nothing Then Throw New ArgumentException("Values cannot be nothing")
    If Values.Length = 0 Then Throw New ArgumentException("Values can not be empty")
    If Result Is Nothing Then Throw New ArgumentException("Result cannot be nothing")
    If Values.Length = 0 Then Throw New ArgumentException("Result can not be empty")
    If Values.Length <> Result.Length Then Throw New ArgumentException("Values and Result must have the same length")
    Dim i As Integer = 0
    While i < Values.Length AndAlso value.CompareTo(Values(i)) < 0
        i += 1
    End While
    if i = Values.Length Then i-=1
    Return Result(i)
End Function


Dim Result as string = LOOKUP(5, {1,10,20,30,40}, {"1-10", "11-20", "21-30","31-40"})

使用LINQ或Array / List .FindIndex的方法很少,但是整数除法可能是最好的方法:

Dim d = 10.1, a = {1, 10, 20, 30, 40}, b = {"1-10", "11-20", "21-30", "31-40"}

Dim s1 = b(a.Count(Function(i) i <= d) - 1)

Dim s2 = b(Array.FindLastIndex(a, Function(i) i <= d))

Dim s3 = $"{d - d Mod 10 + 1}-{d - d Mod 10 + 10}"      ' "11-20"

我坐在那里思考了几分钟后,实际上自己想到了类似于@Alexander Higgins的答案。 我这样称呼它:

CaseLookup({41, 59, 80, 101}, {"Balanced", "PowerBack", "Receiving", "OneCut"}, 0, 100) 

基本上,我为下一项设置边界并循环查找小于的第一个索引,这意味着它将落在该范围内。 然后,我简单地从查找数组中获取与值相同的索引。

Public Shared Function CaseLookup(numArray As Array, lookupArray As Array, minVal As Double, maxval As Double) As String
        Dim result As String = ""
        Dim GetNum As Double = MT.GenerateDouble(minVal, maxval)

        If numArray.Length <> lookupArray.Length Then 'Checks to make sure the arrays are the same length
           Throw New Exception("numArray and lookupArray MUST be the same length!")
           Exit Function
        End If

        For i = 0 To numArray.Length - 1
            If GetNum < numArray(i) Then result = lookupArray(i).ToString()
        Next i
        Return result
    End Function


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