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[英]getting specific columns from three tables


    $saf=mysqli_query($db , "select pod.mobile, tpaidamount.Aptdate, follow.cent, pdate, time from pod,tpaidamount, follow where tpaidamount.pid = follow.pid and pod.Customer Id = tpaidamount.pid and pod.Customer Id =follow.pid ");

while($sfg=mysqli_fetch_assoc($saf) or die(mysqli_error($db)))

pod,tpaidamount,follow are tables and other coloumns

得到错误您的SQL语法有错误。 检查与您的MySQL服务器版本对应的手册以获取正确的语法,以在第1行的'Id = tpaidamount.pid和pod.Customer Id = follow.pid'附近使用

是错字吗? 是setfollowup.pid或follow.pid吗?

select pod.mobile, tpaidamount.Aptdate, follow.cent, <table>.pdate, <table>.time
from pod, tpaidamount, follow
where tpaidamount.pid = follow.pid 
and pod.`Customer Id` = tpaidamount.pid 
and pod.`Customer Id` = follow.pid

您不应该使用空格创建列名称。 名称:“ pod.Customer Id”是错误的属性名称,您需要避免使用诸如数据类型(或任何SGBD保留字)之类的名称,例如:“ date”,“ time”,“ char”,“ table”,“专栏'....但是,如果需要这样做,请尝试以下SQL:

SELECT p.mobile
, t.Aptdate
, f.cent
, ???.pdate
, ???.`time`
FROM pod AS p
JOIN tpaidamount AS t ON o.`Customer Id` = t.pid 
JOIN follow AS f ON t.pid = f.pid ON p.`Customer Id` = f.pid
  • 使用别名可以轻松编码SQL查询。 例如:table_name AS tn,table_a_name AS tan。

  • 我建议您看一些基本的SQL课。 祝好运。


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