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[英]pprof (for golang) doesn't show details for my package

我一直在尝试使用pprof来分析我的go应用程序( evm-specification-miner ),但是输出并不是真的有用:

(pprof) top5
108.59mins of 109.29mins total (99.36%)
Dropped 607 nodes (cum <= 0.55mins)
Showing top 5 nodes out of 103 (cum >= 0.98mins)
      flat  flat%   sum%        cum   cum%
  107.83mins 98.66% 98.66% 108.64mins 99.40%  [evm-specification-miner]
  0.36mins  0.33% 98.99%      6mins  5.49%  net.dialIP
  0.30mins  0.28% 99.27%   4.18mins  3.83%  net.listenIP
  0.06mins 0.052% 99.32%  34.66mins 31.71%  
  0.04mins 0.036% 99.36%   0.98mins   0.9%  net.probeIPv6Stack


(pprof) top5 --cum
1.80hrs of 1.82hrs total (98.66%)
Dropped 607 nodes (cum <= 0.01hrs)
Showing top 5 nodes out of 103 (cum >= 1.53hrs)
      flat  flat%   sum%        cum   cum%
   1.80hrs 98.66% 98.66%    1.81hrs 99.40%  [evm-specification-miner]
         0     0% 98.66%    1.53hrs 83.93%  net.IP.matchAddrFamily
         0     0% 98.66%    1.53hrs 83.92%  net.(*UDPConn).WriteToUDP
         0     0% 98.66%    1.53hrs 83.90%  net.sockaddrToUDP
         0     0% 98.66%    1.53hrs 83.89%  net.(*UDPConn).readMsg

正如你所看到的,大部分的时间都花在evm-specification-miner (这是我去应用程序的名称),但我一直无法获得更多的细节,甚至了解这些方括号的意思(有一问题类似的问题,但没有得到任何答案)。


go install evm-specification-miner
go tool pprof evm-specification-miner cpuprof

我什至尝试了调试标志-gcflags "-N -l" (如此处所述: https : -gcflags "-N -l" ),但无济于事。

概要分析通过调用pprof.StartCPUProfile()pprof.StopCPUProfile()如本博客文章所述: https : pprof.StopCPUProfile()

func StartProfiling(cpuprof string) error {
    f, err := os.Create(cpuprof)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    return pprof.StartCPUProfile(f)

func StopProfiling() error {
    return nil

StartProfilingmain()的开始处调用,在收到信号(中断或终止)(或程序正常终止)时调用StopProfiling 该配置文件是在中断后获得的。


我的概要文件中不再有[evm-specifiation-miner] (为了记录起见,最重要的功能甚至都不来自我自己的软件包,因此比以前没有出现过更奇怪)。


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