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Spring JdbcTemplate.update()不更新行

[英]Spring JdbcTemplate.update() is not updating the rows

我在DAO中使用Spring JdbcDaoSupport ,并尝试使用以下查询更新记录。

String callersUpdateQuery = "update W67U999S a set pcrdattim= ? where exists (select b.CRDATTIM, b.RECORDCD, b.CRNODE, b.UNITCD, b.WRKTYPE from W03U999S b where a.PCRDATTIM = ? and a.CCRDATTIM = b.CRDATTIM and a.CRECORDCD = b.RECORDCD and a.CCRNODE = b.CRNODE and a.PRECORDCD = 'F' and a.PCRNODE = '01' and b.WRKTYPE = 'CALLER' and b.UNITCD=? and a.crecordcd='T')";


 int updatedRowsCount =getJdbcTemplate().update(callersUpdateQuery, new Object[]{newFolderCrdattim, crdattim, businessAreaName});

但是getJdbcTemplate()。update()不会更新所需的行,并且返回的更新行计数为零。 奇怪的是,当我在数据库端执行相同的sql查询时,记录正在更新。 谁能猜出代码或查询出了什么问题?


21:04:01,288 DEBUG [org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate.execute] Executing prepared SQL statement [update W67U999S a set pcrdattim= ? where exists (select b.CRDATTIM, b.RECORDCD, b.CRNODE, b.UNITCD, b.WRKTYPE from W03U999S b where a.PCRDATTIM = ? and a.CCRDATTIM = b.CRDATTIM and a.CRECORDCD = b.RECORDCD and a.CCRNODE = b.CRNODE and a.PRECORDCD = 'F' and a.PCRNODE = '01' and b.WRKTYPE = 'CALLER' and b.UNITCD=? and a.crecordcd='T')]
21:04:01,288 DEBUG [org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DataSourceUtils.doGetConnection] Fetching JDBC Connection from DataSource
21:04:01,288 DEBUG [org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DriverManagerDataSource.getConnectionFromDriver] Creating new JDBC DriverManager Connection to [jdbc:oracle:thin:@]
21:04:03,865 TRACE [org.springframework.jdbc.core.StatementCreatorUtils.setParameterValueInternal] Setting SQL statement parameter value: column index 1, parameter value [2017-08-09-], value class [java.lang.String], SQL type unknown
21:04:03,865 TRACE [org.springframework.jdbc.core.StatementCreatorUtils.setParameterValueInternal] Setting SQL statement parameter value: column index 2, parameter value [2017-07-20-], value class [java.lang.String], SQL type unknown
21:04:03,865 TRACE [org.springframework.jdbc.core.StatementCreatorUtils.setParameterValueInternal] Setting SQL statement parameter value: column index 3, parameter value [CS2XAA], value class [java.lang.String], SQL type unknown
21:04:04,115 DEBUG [org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate.doInPreparedStatement] SQL update affected 0 rows
21:04:04,131 DEBUG [org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DataSourceUtils.doReleaseConnection] Returning JDBC Connection to DataSource

Oracle CHAR类型是这里的罪魁祸首。 我要更新的列类型为CHAR 这就是问题所在。 该链接帮助我确定了解决方案: Oracle JDBC和Oracle CHAR数据类型


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