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TestNG Dataprovider需要帮助以根据测试数据单独运行@Test

[英]TestNG Dataprovider Need help to run @Test individually based on test data

我正在进行Rest API测试(POST方法),正在使用TestNg Dataprovider从电子表格读取json数据。 我的Dataprovider返回HashMap,其键为:测试数据的整数Row_Number和值:ArrayList(字符串)。 以下是DataProvider返回的示例地图。 {0 = [Sample1,Name1,sample1.name1@example.com,(000)111-1111],1 = [Sample2,Name2,sample2.name2@example.com,(000)111-1112]}


public Object[][] JSONBODY()
String test_data = "json_data";
int row = ExcelUtils.getRowNum(test_data, col_num);
int total_col = ExcelUtils.getLastColumnNumber(row);
Map<Integer, ArrayList<String>> map = ExcelUtils.getTableArray(spreadsheet_location,test_data,total_col);
return new Object[][] { { map } };


public static Map<Integer, ArrayList<String>> getTableArray(String FilePath, String testdata, int total_Col) throws Exception {
Map<Integer, ArrayList<String>> map = new HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<String>>();
ArrayList<Integer> iTestCaseRow = null;
    FileInputStream ExcelFile = new FileInputStream(FilePath);
    ExcelWBook = new XSSFWorkbook(ExcelFile);
    ExcelWSheet = ExcelWBook.getSheet(SheetName);
    int startCol = 1;
    iTestCaseRow = ExcelUtils.getRowContains(testdata ,col_num); // getRowContains returns list of row numbers for value in testdata.
    int totalRows = iTestCaseRow.size();
    int totalCols = total_Col;
    for(int i=0; i<totalRows;i++)
        ArrayList<String> str = new ArrayList<String>();
        for (int j=startCol;j<=totalCols;j++)
            str.add (ExcelUtils.getCellData(iTestCaseRow.get(i),j));  
        map.put(iTestCaseRow.get(i), str);
    return map;


@Test(dataProvider = "JSONBODY")
public void TestMethod(Map<Integer, ArrayList<String>> map) throws Exception {
Log.startTestCase("Start executing Test Case");
Set<Integer> key = map.keySet();
for(Integer row: key)
    SamplePojo pojo = new SamplePojo();
    ArrayList<String> data = map.get(row);
    Response res = RestAssured.given().contentType(ContentType).body(pojo).when().post(POST_URL);
    Assert.assertTrue(res.getStatusCode() == 200 , "Test Case failed");

电子表格测试数据为, 电子表格数据

当我执行@Test方法时,TestNG作为一种方法而不是两种方法执行,因为我在电子表格中有两行测试数据(值:json_data)。 请帮助我为每个key:value对分别运行Test方法。 提前致谢!

问题出在您的数据提供者中。 获取地图后,您需要转换该地图,以使其中的每个条目现在成为2D对象数组的一部分。 就您而言,您基本上只是将整个地图添加为2D对象数组中的单个数据项。

请参阅下面的完整示例,其中显示了我所指的内容。 为了方便起见,我基本上排除了Excel电子表格的读取逻辑等,

import org.testng.Assert;
import org.testng.annotations.DataProvider;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

public class TestClass {

    @Test(dataProvider = "dp")
    public void testMethod(Map<Integer, List<String>> data) {
        Assert.assertTrue(data.size() == 1);
        List<String> values = data.values().iterator().next();
        System.err.println("Values = " + values);

    @DataProvider(name = "dp")
    public Object[][] getData() {
        Map<Integer, List<String>> data = getTableArray();
        //Transform the Map into a 2D array such that every key/value
        //pair in the map becomes one element in the 2D array
        int size = data.size();
        Object[][] dataToUse = new Object[size][1];
        int i = 0;
        for (Map.Entry<Integer, List<String>> entry : data.entrySet()) {
            Map<Integer, List<String>> localMap = new HashMap<>();
            localMap.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
            dataToUse[i++] = new Object[]{localMap};
        return dataToUse;

    static Map<Integer, List<String>> getTableArray() {
        Map<Integer, List<String>> data = new HashMap<>();
        data.put(1, Arrays.asList("Sample1", "Name1", "sample1.name1@gmail.com", "(000) 111-1111"));
        data.put(2, Arrays.asList("Sample2", "Name2", "sample2.name2@gmail.com", "(000) 111-1112"));
        data.put(3, Arrays.asList("Sample3", "Name3", "sample3.name3@gmail.com", "(000) 111-1113"));
        return data;


Values = [Sample1, Name1, sample1.name1@gmail.com, (000) 111-1111]
Values = [Sample2, Name2, sample2.name2@gmail.com, (000) 111-1112]
Values = [Sample3, Name3, sample3.name3@gmail.com, (000) 111-1113]

Default Suite
Total tests run: 3, Failures: 0, Skips: 0


Map<Integer, ArrayList<String>> map = ExcelUtils.getTableArray(spreadsheet_location,test_data,total_col);

Object[][] dataToBeReturned = new Object[map.size()][];

//Loop through map and build your array..code not tested..something to the effect
for(Entry<Integer, Arra..> datum : map.entrySet()) {
 dataToBeReturned[i++] = new Object[] {datum.getKey(), datum.getValue()}

return dataToBeReturned;


    instead of map.put(iTestCaseRow.get(i), str);
use dataToBeReturned[i++] = new Object[] {iTestCaseRow.get(i), str}


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