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HTML Canvas:如何为折线图下的区域着色?

[英]HTML Canvas: How to color area under a line graph?

我正在尝试创建山形图(折线图和下面的区域被阴影化),但是,无论我如何尝试,阴影区域都不能覆盖整个区域。 因为我的图表是一条开放路径,所以填写的结果是通过图表线的区域。




 var c = document.getElementById("myCanvas"); var ctx = c.getContext("2d"); ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(0,150); ctx.lineTo(100,70); ctx.lineTo(150,100); ctx.lineTo(200,140); ctx.lineTo(250,90); ctx.lineTo(300,110); ctx.fillStyle ="red"; ctx.fill(); ctx.stroke(); 
 <canvas id="myCanvas" width="300" height="150" style="border:1px solid #d3d3d3;"> Your browser does not support the HTML5 canvas tag.</canvas> 

您只需要先stroke()您的路径,然后是lineTo(lastX, canvasHeight); lineTo(firstX, canvasHeight); lineTo(lastX, canvasHeight); lineTo(firstX, canvasHeight); 在调用fill()之前。


 const width = canvas.width; const height = canvas.height; const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); ctx.fillStyle = 'red'; function plotPoints() { const pts = generatePoints(32); // first plot the stroke pts.forEach((pt) => ctx.lineTo(pt.x, pt.y)); ctx.stroke(); // now define the bottom of the filled area const maxY = height; //Math.max.apply(null, pts.map(pt=>pt.y)); // draw the missing parts ctx.lineTo(pts[pts.length - 1].x, maxY); // bottom-right ctx.lineTo(pts[0].x, maxY); // bottom-left ctx.globalCompositeOperation = "destination-over"; // draw behind ctx.fill(); // will close the path for us ctx.globalCompositeOperation = "source-over"; // normal behavior } plotPoints(); function generatePoints(nbOfPoints) { const pts = []; for (let i = 0; i <= nbOfPoints; i++) { pts.push({ x: i * (width / nbOfPoints), y: Math.random() * height }); } return pts; } 
 canvas { border: 1px solid lightgray; } 
 <canvas id="canvas"></canvas> 


 //<![CDATA[ /* external.js */ var doc, bod, E; // for use on other loads addEventListener('load', function(){ doc = document, bod = doc.body; E = function(id){ return doc.getElementById(id); } var graph = E('graph'), ctx = graph.getContext('2d'); ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(0,150); ctx.lineTo(100,70); ctx.lineTo(150,100); ctx.lineTo(200,140); ctx.lineTo(250,90); ctx.lineTo(300,110); ctx.lineTo(300,110); ctx.lineTo(300,150); ctx.fillStyle = 'red'; ctx.fill(); ctx.stroke(); }); //]]> 
 /* external.css */ html,body{ padding:0; margin:0; } .main{ width:940px; padding:20px; margin:0 auto; } #graph{ width:300px; height:150px; } 
 <!DOCTYPE html> <html xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml' xml:lang='en' lang='en'> <head> <meta http-equiv='content-type' content='text/html;charset=utf-8' /> <meta name='viewport' content='width=device-width' /> <title>Graph</title> <link type='text/css' rel='stylesheet' href='css/external.css' /> <script type='text/javascript' src='external.js'></script> </head> <body> <div class='main'> <canvas id='graph'></canvas> </div> </body> </html> 


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