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D3.js Sankey粒子图

[英]D3.js Sankey diagram with particles

我一直在尝试使用d3 Javascript库测试sankey图。 我最近在bl.ocks上遇到了一个非常漂亮的sankey图。


在将其应用于自己的sankey图之前,我要做的第一件事是复制bl.ocks页面上的所有代码,并在自己的代码编辑器(Dreamweaver)中进行尝试。 问题是,每当我尝试加载sankey时,都会出现以下控制台错误:

SyntaxError: missing = in const declaration

我不太了解这里发生的情况,因为在bl.ocks页面上似乎工作正常。 这段代码应该在下面:

for (const x in particles) {
  if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(particles, x)) {
    const currentTime = elapsed - particles[x].time;
    // var currentPercent = currentTime / 1000 * particles[x].path.getTotalLength();
    particles[x].current = currentTime * 0.15 * particles[x].speed;
    const currentPos = particles[x].path.getPointAtLength(particles[x].current);
    context.fillStyle = particles[x].link.particleColor(0);
    context.arc(currentPos.x, currentPos.y + particles[x].offset, particles[x].link.particleSize, 0, 2 * Math.PI);

它在vis.js代码的底部。 谁能帮我解决这个问题? 我喜欢视觉效果,并想学习使用它。 谢谢。

来自MDN:常量是程序在正常执行期间无法更改的值。 它不能通过重新分配进行更改,也不能重新声明。 在JavaScript中,使用const关键字声明常量。 需要一个常量的初始化程序; 也就是说,您必须在声明它的同一条语句中指定它的值(这很有意义,因为以后无法更改)。

您的数据(能量)可能未正确加载。 除非您发布整个代码,否则我无法告诉您什么地方出了问题。 但是我将下面的bl.ocks.org中的图表代码组合在一起。 它也适用于Codepen。

 <html lang='en'> <head> <meta charset='utf-8' /> <title>Sankey Particles</title> <style> .node rect { cursor: move; fill-opacity: .9; shape-rendering: crispEdges; } .node text { pointer-events: none; text-shadow: 0 1px 0 #fff; } .link { fill: none; stroke: #000; stroke-opacity: .15; } .link:hover { stroke-opacity: .25; } svg { position: absolute; } canvas { position: absolute; } </style> </head> <body> <canvas width='960' height='960'></canvas> <svg width='960' height='960'></svg> <script src='https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/d3/4.8.0/d3.js' charset='utf-8' type='text/javascript'></script> <script src='https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/d3-sankey/0.4.2/d3-sankey.js' charset='utf-8' type='text/javascript'></script> <script src='https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/d3-timer/1.0.5/d3-timer.js' charset='utf-8' type='text/javascript'></script> <script src='vis.js'></script> <script> const margin = { top: 1, right: 1, bottom: 6, left: 1 }; const width = 960 - margin.left - margin.right; const height = 500 - margin.top - margin.bottom; const formatNumber = d3.format(",.0f"); const format = d => `${formatNumber(d)} TWh`; const color = d3.scaleOrdinal(d3.schemeCategory20); const svg = d3 .select("svg") .attr("width", width + margin.left + margin.right) .attr("height", height + margin.top + margin.bottom) .append("g") .attr("transform", `translate(${margin.left},${margin.top})`); const sankey = d3.sankey().nodeWidth(15).nodePadding(10).size([width, height]); const path = sankey.link(); const freqCounter = 1; var energy = { nodes: [ { name: "Agricultural 'waste'" }, { name: "Bio-conversion" }, { name: "Liquid" }, { name: "Losses" }, { name: "Solid" }, { name: "Gas" }, { name: "Biofuel imports" }, { name: "Biomass imports" }, { name: "Coal imports" }, { name: "Coal" }, { name: "Coal reserves" }, { name: "District heating" }, { name: "Industry" }, { name: "Heating and cooling - commercial" }, { name: "Heating and cooling - homes" }, { name: "Electricity grid" }, { name: "Over generation / exports" }, { name: "H2 conversion" }, { name: "Road transport" }, { name: "Agriculture" }, { name: "Rail transport" }, { name: "Lighting & appliances - commercial" }, { name: "Lighting & appliances - homes" }, { name: "Gas imports" }, { name: "Ngas" }, { name: "Gas reserves" }, { name: "Thermal generation" }, { name: "Geothermal" }, { name: "H2" }, { name: "Hydro" }, { name: "International shipping" }, { name: "Domestic aviation" }, { name: "International aviation" }, { name: "National navigation" }, { name: "Marine algae" }, { name: "Nuclear" }, { name: "Oil imports" }, { name: "Oil" }, { name: "Oil reserves" }, { name: "Other waste" }, { name: "Pumped heat" }, { name: "Solar PV" }, { name: "Solar Thermal" }, { name: "Solar" }, { name: "Tidal" }, { name: "UK land based bioenergy" }, { name: "Wave" }, { name: "Wind" } ], links: [ { source: 0, target: 1, value: 124.729 }, { source: 1, target: 2, value: 0.597 }, { source: 1, target: 3, value: 26.862 }, { source: 1, target: 4, value: 280.322 }, { source: 1, target: 5, value: 81.144 }, { source: 6, target: 2, value: 35 }, { source: 7, target: 4, value: 35 }, { source: 8, target: 9, value: 11.606 }, { source: 10, target: 9, value: 63.965 }, { source: 9, target: 4, value: 75.571 }, { source: 11, target: 12, value: 10.639 }, { source: 11, target: 13, value: 22.505 }, { source: 11, target: 14, value: 46.184 }, { source: 15, target: 16, value: 104.453 }, { source: 15, target: 14, value: 113.726 }, { source: 15, target: 17, value: 27.14 }, { source: 15, target: 12, value: 342.165 }, { source: 15, target: 18, value: 37.797 }, { source: 15, target: 19, value: 4.412 }, { source: 15, target: 13, value: 40.858 }, { source: 15, target: 3, value: 56.691 }, { source: 15, target: 20, value: 7.863 }, { source: 15, target: 21, value: 90.008 }, { source: 15, target: 22, value: 93.494 }, { source: 23, target: 24, value: 40.719 }, { source: 25, target: 24, value: 82.233 }, { source: 5, target: 13, value: 0.129 }, { source: 5, target: 3, value: 1.401 }, { source: 5, target: 26, value: 151.891 }, { source: 5, target: 19, value: 2.096 }, { source: 5, target: 12, value: 48.58 }, { source: 27, target: 15, value: 7.013 }, { source: 17, target: 28, value: 20.897 }, { source: 17, target: 3, value: 6.242 }, { source: 28, target: 18, value: 20.897 }, { source: 29, target: 15, value: 6.995 }, { source: 2, target: 12, value: 121.066 }, { source: 2, target: 30, value: 128.69 }, { source: 2, target: 18, value: 135.835 }, { source: 2, target: 31, value: 14.458 }, { source: 2, target: 32, value: 206.267 }, { source: 2, target: 19, value: 3.64 }, { source: 2, target: 33, value: 33.218 }, { source: 2, target: 20, value: 4.413 }, { source: 34, target: 1, value: 4.375 }, { source: 24, target: 5, value: 122.952 }, { source: 35, target: 26, value: 839.978 }, { source: 36, target: 37, value: 504.287 }, { source: 38, target: 37, value: 107.703 }, { source: 37, target: 2, value: 611.99 }, { source: 39, target: 4, value: 56.587 }, { source: 39, target: 1, value: 77.81 }, { source: 40, target: 14, value: 193.026 }, { source: 40, target: 13, value: 70.672 }, { source: 41, target: 15, value: 59.901 }, { source: 42, target: 14, value: 19.263 }, { source: 43, target: 42, value: 19.263 }, { source: 43, target: 41, value: 59.901 }, { source: 4, target: 19, value: 0.882 }, { source: 4, target: 26, value: 400.12 }, { source: 4, target: 12, value: 46.477 }, { source: 26, target: 15, value: 525.531 }, { source: 26, target: 3, value: 787.129 }, { source: 26, target: 11, value: 79.329 }, { source: 44, target: 15, value: 9.452 }, { source: 45, target: 1, value: 182.01 }, { source: 46, target: 15, value: 19.013 }, { source: 47, target: 15, value: 289.366 } ] }; sankey.nodes(energy.nodes).links(energy.links).layout(32); const link = svg .append("g") .selectAll(".link") .data(energy.links) .enter() .append("path") .attr("class", "link") .attr("d", path) .style("stroke-width", d => Math.max(1, d.dy)) .sort((a, b) => b.dy - a.dy); link .append("title") .text(d => `${d.source.name} → ${d.target.name}\\n${format(d.value)}`); const node = svg .append("g") .selectAll(".node") .data(energy.nodes) .enter() .append("g") .attr("class", "node") .attr("transform", d => `translate(${dx},${dy})`) .call( d3 .drag() .subject(d => d) .on("start", function() { this.parentNode.appendChild(this); }) .on("drag", dragmove) ); node .append("rect") .attr("height", d => d.dy) .attr("width", sankey.nodeWidth()) .style("fill", d => { d.color = color(d.name.replace(/ .*/, "")); return d.color; }) .style("stroke", "none") .append("title") .text(d => `${d.name}\\n${format(d.value)}`); node .append("text") .attr("x", -6) .attr("y", d => d.dy / 2) .attr("dy", ".35em") .attr("text-anchor", "end") .attr("transform", null) .text(d => d.name) .filter(d => dx < width / 2) .attr("x", 6 + sankey.nodeWidth()) .attr("text-anchor", "start"); function dragmove(d) { d3 .select(this) .attr( "transform", `translate(${dx},${(dy = Math.max( 0, Math.min(height - d.dy, d3.event.y) ))})` ); sankey.relayout(); link.attr("d", path); } const linkExtent = d3.extent(energy.links, d => d.value); const frequencyScale = d3.scaleLinear().domain(linkExtent).range([0.05, 1]); const particleSize = d3.scaleLinear().domain(linkExtent).range([1, 5]); energy.links.forEach(link => { link.freq = frequencyScale(link.value); link.particleSize = 2; link.particleColor = d3 .scaleLinear() .domain([0, 1]) .range([link.source.color, link.target.color]); }); const t = d3.timer(tick, 1000); let particles = []; function tick(elapsed, time) { particles = particles.filter(d => d.current < d.path.getTotalLength()); d3.selectAll("path.link").each(function(d) { // if (d.freq < 1) { for (let x = 0; x < 2; x += 1) { const offset = (Math.random() - 0.5) * (d.dy - 4); if (Math.random() < d.freq) { const length = this.getTotalLength(); particles.push({ link: d, time: elapsed, offset, path: this, length, animateTime: length, speed: 0.5 + Math.random() }); } } // } /* else { for (var x = 0; x<d.freq; x++) { var offset = (Math.random() - .5) * d.dy; particles.push({link: d, time: elapsed, offset: offset, path: this}) } } */ }); particleEdgeCanvasPath(elapsed); } function particleEdgeCanvasPath(elapsed) { const context = d3.select("canvas").node().getContext("2d"); context.clearRect(0, 0, 1000, 1000); context.fillStyle = "gray"; context.lineWidth = "1px"; for (const x in particles) { if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(particles, x)) { const currentTime = elapsed - particles[x].time; // var currentPercent = currentTime / 1000 * particles[x].path.getTotalLength(); particles[x].current = currentTime * 0.15 * particles[x].speed; const currentPos = particles[x].path.getPointAtLength( particles[x].current ); context.beginPath(); context.fillStyle = particles[x].link.particleColor(0); context.arc( currentPos.x, currentPos.y + particles[x].offset, particles[x].link.particleSize, 0, 2 * Math.PI ); context.fill(); } } } </script> </body> </html> 


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