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将实际的 URL 参数传递给按钮

[英]passing actual URL parameters to a button

我正在开发一个网络漏斗,我想从第 #1 步开始跟踪。 我正在尝试传递 URL 参数,例如:

https://mywebsite.com/###/######.html subid=160445 &eng_source=160445&eng_subid=null&eng_click=1d1ba0f6784b4c36918f087b616a3366

我想将“subid=#”传递到下一个目的地,即按钮链接,所以它变成: https ://landing.mywebsite.com/2scstep.html?subid=160445



多谢 。


<a id="button" href="https://landing.mywebsite.com/2scstep.html">
Take me to new destination

如果我理解你的问题是正确的,你想改变按钮(href)的oldhref所以它变成oldhref + '?subid=#'

它可以通过 javascript 中的许多技术来完成。 最简单的方法是安装jquery,然后像这样制作

//Wait untill whole document is loaded

  //You now is on the page, that has url e.g. `href` + `?subid=12345`
  // you got to get you subid var to javascript

  //Get whole url
  var currentHref = window.location.href;

  //Get only params part, by splitting string by ? and taking second part
  var currentHrefParamsPart = currentHref.split("?")[1];

  //Now get all params to array (there can be lots of params)
  var paramsArray = currentHrefParamsPart.split("&");

  //Now get subid value

  var subid = false; //its not known yet
     var key = params.split('=')[0]

     if (key == "subid") {
         var subid = params.split('=')[1]; //We got it

  //Now you gotta change href attribute of the button if subid was found
  if (subid) {

    var $button = $("#button");
    var oldHref = $button.attr("href"); //get the old href
    var newHref = oldHref + "?subid=" + subid; //make new href
    $button.attr("href", newHref);




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