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[英]c# extract base class properties only based on derived class and return new base class object

我有两个班StaggingAttorneyAttorney 我将使用StaggingAttorney收集有关律师的信息,一旦获得所有信息,我将使用它来创建最佳结果的Attorney个人资料。 这两个类如下所示;

private class StaggingAttorney : CourtCase.Attorney
    public bool scraping = false;

    public bool scraped = false;

    public string caseNumber;

    public CourtCase.Attorney toAttorney()
        CourtCase.Attorney attorney = new CourtCase.Attorney();
        return attorney;



public class Attorney
    public string names;
    public string matchString;
    public List<Identity> IdentityMatches = new List<Identity>();

    public List<Identity> getIdentityMatches()
        return IdentityMatches;
    public class Identity
        public string names;
        public string barNumber;
        public string email;

        public string phoneNumber { get; internal set; }
        public object faxNumber { get; internal set; }

我创建了一个名为CourtCase.Attorney toAttorney()的方法,您可以在上面看到。 在这种方法我想回到一个新的CourtCase.Attorney所有CourtCase.Attorney在继承的属性StaggingAttorney

正如@derloopkat建议的那样,您只需将您的“ StaggingAttorney”实例强制转换为他的父类。 (在这种情况下为“律师”

但是,如果您确实需要一个具有与父“ StaggingAttorney”相同值的“律师”的新实例,只需访问“ StaggingAttorney”对象的父字段即可

private class StaggingAttorney : CourtCase.Attorney
    public bool scraping = false;

    public bool scraped = false;

    public string caseNumber;

    public CourtCase.Attorney toAttorney()
        CourtCase.Attorney attorney = new CourtCase.Attorney()
            names = this.names,
            matchString = this.matchString,
            [... Initialize the other properties ...]
        return attorney;


当创建子类的实例时,您也在创建父类。 因此,在许多情况下,您无需通过child.ToParent()方法创建另一个新实例。 当一个类没有从另一个类继承时,使用这样的转换方法更有意义。

var attorney = new StaggingAttorney() { scraped = false };
attorney.names = "John"; //During the scraping process
attorney.scraped = true;
CourtCase.Attorney court = (CourtCase.Attorney)attorney; //casting
Console.WriteLine(court.names); //returns "John"



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