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[英]Auth Component Redirection issue using Plugin in Cakephp

我正在使用身份验证组件而不是http:// localhost / project_name / PanelAdmin / users / login重定向到此URL http:// localhost / project_name / PanelAdmin / users / login?redirect =%2FPanelAdmin%2Fusers%2Fedit访问编辑操作。 我得到的页面是正确的登录页面,但是我想将URL更改为类似http:// localhost / project_name / PanelAdmin / users / login的名称



namespace PanelAdmin\Controller;

use App\Controller\AppController as BaseController;
use Cake\Event\Event;

class AppController extends BaseController
    public function initialize()



        $this->loadComponent('Auth', [

        'authorize'=> 'Controller',

        'authenticate' => [

            'Form' => [

                // fields used in login form

                'fields' => [

                    'username' => 'email',

                    'password' => 'password'



        // login Url

        'loginAction' => [

            'controller' => 'Users',

            'action' => 'login'


        // where to be redirected after logout 

        'logoutRedirect' => [

            'controller' => 'Topics',

            'action' => 'index'//,



        // if unauthorized user go to an unallowed action he will be redirected to this url

        'unauthorizedRedirect' => [

            'controller' => 'Topics',

            'action' => 'index'//,



        'authError' => 'Did you really think you are allowed to see that?',


        // Allow the display action so our pages controller still works and  user can visit index and view actions.



    public function isAuthorized($user)


        $this->Flash->error('You aren\'t allowed');

        return false;


    public function beforeFilter(Event $event)


        $this->Auth->allow(['index', 'view', 'display']);


public function beforeRender(Event $event)


if (!array_key_exists('_serialize', $this->viewVars) &&

in_array($this->response->type(), ['application/json', 'application/xml'])

        ) {

            $this->set('_serialize', true);






namespace PanelAdmin\Controller;

use Cake\Controller\Controller;
use Cake\ORM\TableRegistry;
use Cake\Event\Event;

class UsersController extends AppController


public function initialize()



        $this->loadComponent('Flash'); // Include the FlashComponent

        // Auth component allow visitors to access add action to register  and access logout action

        $this->Auth->allow(['logout', 'add']);


    public function login()


        if ($this->request->is('post')) {

            // Auth component identify if sent user data belongs to a user

            $user = $this->Auth->identify();

           if ($user) {



                return $this->redirect($this->Auth->redirectUrl());


            $this->Flash->error(__('Invalid username or password, try again.'));



    public function logout(){

        $this->Flash->success('You successfully have loged out');

    return  $this->redirect($this->Auth->logout());


    public function index()




   public function view($id)


        $user = $this->Users->get($id);



   public function add()


        $user = $this->Users->newEntity();

        if($this->request->is('post')) {



            $this->Flash->success(__('Your account has been registered .'));

return $this->redirect(['action' => 'index']);


            $this->Flash->error(__('Unable to register your account.'));




    public function edit($id)


        $user = $this->Users->get($id);

        if ($this->request->is(['post', 'put'])) {

            $this->Users->patchEntity($user, $this->request->data);

            if ($this->Users->save($user)) {

                $this->Flash->success(__('Your profile data has been updated.'));

                return $this->redirect(['action' => 'index']);


            $this->Flash->error(__('Unable to update your profile.'));


        $this->set('user', $user);      


    public function delete($id)


        $this->request->allowMethod(['post', 'delete']);

        $user = $this->Users->get($id);

        if ($this->Users->delete($user)) {

            $this->Flash->success(__('The user with id: {0} has been deleted.', h($id)));

            return $this->redirect(['action' => 'index']);







namespace PanelAdmin\Controller;

use Cake\Controller\Controller;
use Cake\ORM\TableRegistry;

class TopicsController extends AppController

public function initialize()



        $this->loadComponent('Flash'); // Include the FlashComponent


    public function isAuthorized($user)


        $action = $this->request->params['action'];

        //  registered users can add topics and view index

        if (in_array($action, ['index', 'add','topics'])) {

        return true;


        // All other actions require an id or users cannot do it

        if (empty($this->request->params['pass'][0])) {

            return false;


        // The owner of a topic can edit and delete it

        // the owner of topic is known by its id and user_id value of topic .

        if (in_array($this->request->action, ['edit', 'delete'])) {

        // get topic id from the request   

        $topicId = (int)$this->request->params['pass'][0];

        // check if the topic is owned by the user

        if ($this->Topics->isOwnedBy($topicId, $user['id'])) {

        return true;



        return parent::isAuthorized($user);


public function index()


        // find('all') get all records from Topics model

        // We uses set() to pass data to view

        $this->set('topics', $this->Topics->find('all'));


public function view($id)


        // get() method get only one topic record using

        // the $id paraameter is received from the requested url

        // if request is /topics/view/5   the $id parameter value is 3

        $topic = $this->Topics->get($id);



public function add()


        $topic = $this->Topics->newEntity();

        //if the user topics data to your application, the POST request  informations are registered in $this->request  

if ($this->request->is('post')) { //

            $topic = $this->Topics->patchEntity($topic, $this->request->data);

            $topic->user_id = $this->Auth->user('id');

if ($this->Topics->save($topic)) {

                // success() method of FlashComponent restore messages in session variable.

                // Flash messages are displayed in views

                $this->Flash->success(__('Your topic has been saved.'));

return $this->redirect(['action' => 'index']);


            $this->Flash->error(__('Unable to add your topic.'));


        $this->set('topic', $topic);


    public function edit($id = null)


        $topic = $this->Topics->get($id);

        if ($this->request->is(['post', 'put'])) {

            $this->Topics->patchEntity($topic, $this->request->data);

            if ($this->Topics->save($topic)) {

                $this->Flash->success(__('Your topic has been updated.'));

                return $this->redirect(['action' => 'index']);


            $this->Flash->error(__('Unable to update your topic.'));


        $this->set('topic', $topic);


    public function delete($id)


        //if user wants to delete a record by a GET request ,allowMethod() method give an Exception as the only available request for deleting is POST

        $this->request->allowMethod(['post', 'delete']);

        $topic = $this->Topics->get($id);

        if ($this->Topics->delete($topic)) {

            $this->Flash->success(__('The topic with id: {0} has been deleted.', h($id)));

            return $this->redirect(['action' => 'index']);





您必须在src / Controller / Component /中创建CustomAuthComponent.php文件



namespace App\Controller\Component;

use Cake\Controller\Component\AuthComponent;

class CustomAuthComponent extends AuthComponent

    protected function _loginActionRedirectUrl()

        return $this->_config['loginAction'];


之后,在您的AppController.php找到$this->loadComponent('Auth',.....并替换$this->loadComponent('Auth',..... $this->loadComponent('CustomAuth',.......

之后,在每个Controller文件中找到$this->Auth并将其替换$this->Auth $this->CustomAuth



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