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[英]read a file using Scanner: Why am I getting an error when using Scanner for read files in java?

本示例演示了如何使用Scanner逐行读取文件(它不执行写操作)我不知道为什么在尝试编译时会出错。 有人可以向我解释原因吗? 我正在使用jcreatorLE和JDK 1.6运行我的程序:

import java.io.*;
import java.util.Scanner;

public final class File_read {

  public static void main(String... aArgs) throws FileNotFoundException {
    ReadWithScanner parser = new ReadWithScanner("C:\\Temp\\test.txt");

  * @param aFileName full name of an existing, readable file.
  public ReadWithScanner(String aFileName){
    fFile = new File(aFileName);  

  /** Template method that calls {@link #processLine(String)}.  */
  public final void processLineByLine() throws FileNotFoundException {
    Scanner scanner = new Scanner(fFile);
    try {
      //first use a Scanner to get each line
      while ( scanner.hasNextLine() ){
        processLine( scanner.nextLine() );
    finally {
      //ensure the underlying stream is always closed

  * Overridable method for processing lines in different ways.
  * <P>This simple default implementation expects simple name-value pairs, separated by an 
  * '=' sign. Examples of valid input : 
  * <tt>height = 167cm</tt>
  * <tt>mass =  65kg</tt>
  * <tt>disposition =  "grumpy"</tt>
  * <tt>this is the name = this is the value</tt>
  protected void processLine(String aLine){
    //use a second Scanner to parse the content of each line 
    Scanner scanner = new Scanner(aLine);
    if ( scanner.hasNext() ){
      String name = scanner.next();
      String value = scanner.next();
      log("Name is : " + quote(name.trim()) + ", and Value is : " + quote(value.trim()) );
    else {
      log("Empty or invalid line. Unable to process.");
    //(no need for finally here, since String is source)

  // PRIVATE //
  private final File fFile;

  private static void log(Object aObject){

  private String quote(String aText){
    String QUOTE = "'";
    return QUOTE + aText + QUOTE;


--------------------Configuration: <Default>--------------------
C:\Users\administrador\Documents\File_read.java:15: invalid method declaration; return type required
  public ReadWithScanner(String aFileName){
1 error

Process completed.

当您从此处提取代码时:-),您重命名了该类,但未重命名该构造函数。 只允许构造函数没有返回类型。


我希望这不是功课。 就目前而言,您的教育者将很容易证明time窃。 您至少需要更改变量名以及类名,您可能还需要对其进行一些重新格式化,包括更改类中方法的顺序。

那是功课。 不是吗? :-)

您的“ ReadWithScanner”构造函数需要匹配类的名称(“ File_read”)

public File_read(String aFileName){
    fFile = new File(aFileName);  

您的类名为File_read ,构造函数名为ReadWithScanner 警告是您的构造函数需要与该类相同的名称。

该类的名称为File_read,因此构造函数名称应为File_read,但您将名称命名为ReadWithScanner,这就是其抱怨的原因。 编译器认为它是方法名,因此期望返回类型。


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