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[英]Entity Framework Inserts the entity Already Exists in Database

我正在使用EF 6 Code-First MVC和Identity


//some code above here

using (ApplicationDbContext db = new ApplicationDbContext())
    // I load the City object form db based on the model passed to current method
    City city = db.Countries.Include("States.Cities")
        .First(c => c.Code == model.CountryCode)
        .States.First(s => s.Id == model.StateId)
        .Cities.First(ci => ci.Name == model.CityName);

    // I create a new Employee and a new Company and Company has an Address 
    // referring to the City I loaded from db
    Employee employee = new Employee
        FirstName = model.FirstName,
        LastName = model.LastName,
        Company = new Company
            Name = model.CompanyName,
            OfficePhone = model.OfficePhone,
            Address = new Address { City = city, Street = model.Street, ZipCode = model.ZipCode }

    // This is part of Identity framework code
    var user = new ApplicationUser
        UserName = model.Email,
        Email = model.Email,
        // my custom code: I assign employee to the standard ApplicationUser class
        UserProfile = employee

    // This is going to save the new user to database, 
    // but it tries to insert a new Country object into db. 
    // Note that City class has a property of type State 
    // and State class has a property type of Country 
    var result = await UserManager.CreateAsync(user, model.Password);

    // more code below

基于我收到的错误,听起来像EF将国家(地区)实体插入数据库。 我想这是在EF向数据库添加地址时发生的。 在我的代码中,“地址”是新对象,但“城市”,“州”和“国家/地区”已经存在,您会看到我从一开始就从db加载“城市”。 所以我尝试使用下面的代码,但没有帮助:

db.Entry(employee.Company.Address.City).State = EntityState.Unchanged;



public class Country
    string Code;
    string Name;
    List<State> States;

public class State
    int Id;
    string Name;
    List<City> Cities;

public class City
    int Id;
    string Name;
    State State;

public class Address
    string Street;
    string ZipCode;
    City City;

public class Company
    string Name;
    string OfficePhone;
    Address Address;

问题是,您每次都在创建新对象。 您需要先执行测试以查看用户是否存在,如果存在,然后使用现有数据填充对象并使用Update。 因此,您还需要考虑使用UserManager.UpdateAsync方法。

很久以前我也遇到过类似的问题。 我不知道问题所在,但是有一种解决方法:


var result = await UserManager.CreateAsync(user, model.Password);


var UserManager = new UserManager<ApplicationUser>(new UserStore<ApplicationUser>(db));
var result = UserManager.Create(user, model.Password);



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