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VBA Userform用户签名输入到电子表格

[英]VBA Userform user signature input into spreadsheet



With UserForm1.InkPicture1.InkEnabled = False Set.Ink Me.InkPicture1.Ink .InkEnabled = True End With lrDep = Sheets("Deploy").Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row Sheets("Deploy").Cells(lrDep + 1, "A").Value = TBox1.Text Sheets("Deploy").Cells(lrDep + 1, "B").Value = TBox2.Text Sheets("Deploy").Cells(lrDep + 1, "C").Value = TBox3.Text Sheets("Deploy").Cells(lrDep + 1, "D").Value = TBox4.Text Sheets("Deploy").Cells(lrDep + 1, "G").Value = InkPicture1.Ink

有人可以帮我吗。 谢谢。



Dim RowN As Long
Dim SearchTxt
SearchTxt = TextBox1.Value 'This should be set to the text box name on the form of the  asset ID
    On Error Resume Next
    RowN = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(SearchTxt, Range("A:A"), 0)
    On Error GoTo 0
    If RowN > 0 Then

            'your code here if matches
            MsgBox RowN ' display the row number


            'your code here if no match, possibly add new row of data
            MsgBox "No match found" 
End If


Sheets("Data").Cells("A" & RowN).Value = TextBox1.Txt



Private Sub SB1_Click()

Dim lrREG As Long, lrB As Long, lrDep As Long, lrDis As Long, lrDAT As Long
Dim foundID As Range

        Set foundID = Sheets("Data").Range("A:A").Find(What:=TextBox1.Text, Lookat:=xlWhole)
        If Not foundID Is Nothing Then
            Sheets("Data").Cells(foundID.Row, "A").Value = TextBox1.Text
            Sheets("Data").Cells(foundID.Row, "B").Value = TextBox2.Text
            Sheets("Data").Cells(foundID.Row, "C").Value = TextBox3.Text
            lrDAT = Sheets("Data").Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row + 1
            Sheets("Data").Cells(lrDAT, "A").Value = TextBox1.Text
            Sheets("Data").Cells(lrDAT, "B").Value = TextBox2.Text
            Sheets("Data").Cells(lrDAT, "C").Value = TextBox3.Text
        End If

    lrREG = Sheets("Register").Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
    Sheets("Register").Cells(lrREG + 1, "A").Value = TextBox1.Text
    Sheets("Register").Cells(lrREG + 1, "B").Value = TextBox2.Text
    Sheets("Register").Cells(lrREG + 1, "C").Value = TextBox3.Text

    lrB = Sheets("Built").Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
    Sheets("Built").Cells(lrB + 1, "A").Value = TB1.Text
    Sheets("Built").Cells(lrB + 1, "B").Value = TB2.Text
    Sheets("Built").Cells(lrB + 1, "C").Value = TB3.Text
    Sheets("Built").Cells(lrB + 1, "D").Value = TB4.Text
    Sheets("Built").Cells(lrB + 1, "E").Value = TB5.Text
    Sheets("Built").Cells(lrB + 1, "F").Value = TB6.Text

    lrDep = Sheets("Deploy").Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
    Sheets("Deploy").Cells(lrDep + 1, "A").Value = TBox1.Text
    Sheets("Deploy").Cells(lrDep + 1, "B").Value = TBox2.Text
    Sheets("Deploy").Cells(lrDep + 1, "C").Value = TBox3.Text
    Sheets("Deploy").Cells(lrDep + 1, "D").Value = TBox4.Text
    Sheets("Deploy").Cells(lrDep + 1, "E").Value = TBox5.Text
    Sheets("Deploy").Cells(lrDep + 1, "F").Value = TBox6.Text

    lrDis = Sheets("Dispose").Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
    Sheets("Dispose").Cells(lrB + 1, "A").Value = TextBo1.Text
    Sheets("Dispose").Cells(lrDis + 1, "B").Value = TextBo2.Text
    Sheets("Dispose").Cells(lrDis + 1, "C").Value = TextBo3.Text
    Sheets("Dispose").Cells(lrDis + 1, "D").Value = TextBo4.Text
    Sheets("Dispose").Cells(lrDis + 1, "E").Value = TextBo5.Text
    Sheets("Dispose").Cells(lrDis + 1, "F").Value = TextBo6.Text
End Sub


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