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使用 VBA 将 MS Access 记录集导出到 Excel 中的多个工作表/选项卡会导致只读文件

[英]Exporting MS Access recordsets to multiple worksheets/tabs in Excel results in Read-Only files Using VBA

我正在尝试使用 VBA 将 Do-Loop 生成的六个记录集导出到单个 MS Excel 工作簿中的六个特定选项卡。 然而,代码没有更新单个选项卡,而是创建了工作簿的六个打开迭代,只有第一个可编辑,其余的只读。 记录集已成功导出到所需格式的正确选项卡中。

Function ExportRecordset2XLS2(ByVal rs As DAO.Recordset, strSheetName)
Dim xls As Object
Dim xlwb As Object
Dim xlws As Object
Dim fld As DAO.Field
Dim strPath As String07
Dim strTitleRange,strHeaderRange, strBodyRange as String

On Error GoTo err_handler

strPath = "C:\Database\Roster.xlsx"
Set xls = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set xlwb = xls.Workbooks.Open(strPath)

xls.Visible = False
xls.ScreenUpdating = False
Set xlws = xlwb.Worksheets(strSheetName)

'Define ranges for formatting
    intFields = rs.Fields.Count
    intRows = rs.RecordCount
    strTitleRange = "A1:" & Chr(64 + intFields) & "1"
    strHeaderRange = "A2:" & Chr(64 + intFields) & "2"
    strBodyRange = "A3:" & Chr(64 + intFields) & (intRows + 2)

'Build TITLE Row
    xls.ActiveCell = Format(Now(), "YYYY") & " Roster (" & strSheetName & ")"

'Build HEADER Row

For Each fld In rs.Fields
    xls.ActiveCell = fld.Name
    xls.ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Select


'Paste Recordset into Worksheet(strSheetName) starting in A3
    xlws.Range("A3").CopyFromRecordset rs

On Error Resume Next
xls.Visible = True   'Make excel visible to the user
Set rs = Nothing
Set xlws = Nothing
Set xlwb = Nothing
xls.ScreenUpdating = True
Set xls = Nothing

Exit Function

DoCmd.SetWarnings True
MsgBox Err.Description, vbExclamation, Err.Number
Exit Function
End Function

我怀疑问题在于函数如何打开 .xlsx 文件进行编辑; 我尝试以各种方式和顺序以编程方式关闭活动工作表和/或工作簿,但没有任何效果。 我大概可以在生成记录集的代码中插入一个中断,以允许 MS Excel 打开然后关闭,然后用下一个选项卡重复该过程,但必须有一种更优雅的方式。

Excel 中多次迭代的图像

** 作为旁注,在找到这个论坛之前,我也将这个问题发布到了 answers.microsoft.com。 对不起。 **



Dim qdf As DAO.QueryDef
Dim dbs As DAO.Database
Dim rstMgr As DAO.Recordset
Dim strSQL As String, strTemp As String, strMgr As String

' Replace PutEXCELFileNameHereWithoutdotxls with actual EXCEL
' filename without the .xls extension
' (for example, MyEXCELFileName, BUT NOT MyEXCELFileName.xls)
Const strFileName As String = "PutEXCELFileNameHereWithoutdotxls"

Const strQName As String = "zExportQuery"

Set dbs = CurrentDb

' Create temporary query that will be used for exporting data;
' we give it a dummy SQL statement initially (this name will
' be changed by the code to conform to each manager's identification)
strTemp = dbs.TableDefs(0).Name
strSQL = "SELECT * FROM [" & strTemp & "] WHERE 1=0;"
Set qdf = dbs.CreateQueryDef(strQName, strSQL)
strTemp = strQName

' *** code to set strSQL needs to be changed to conform to your
' *** database design -- ManagerID and EmployeesTable need to
' *** be changed to your table and field names
' Get list of ManagerID values -- note: replace my generic table and field names
' with the real names of the EmployeesTable table and the ManagerID field
strSQL = "SELECT DISTINCT ManagerID FROM EmployeesTable;"
Set rstMgr = dbs.OpenRecordset(strSQL, dbOpenDynaset, dbReadOnly)

' Now loop through list of ManagerID values and create a query for each ManagerID
' so that the data can be exported -- the code assumes that the actual names
' of the managers are in a lookup table -- again, replace generic names with
' real names of tables and fields
If rstMgr.EOF = False And rstMgr.BOF = False Then
      Do While rstMgr.EOF = False

' *** code to set strMgr needs to be changed to conform to your
' *** database design -- ManagerNameField, ManagersTable, and
' *** ManagerID need to be changed to your table and field names
' *** be changed to your table and field names
            strMgr = DLookup("ManagerNameField", "ManagersTable", _
                  "ManagerID = " & rstMgr!ManagerID.Value)

' *** code to set strSQL needs to be changed to conform to your
' *** database design -- ManagerID, EmployeesTable need to
' *** be changed to your table and field names
            strSQL = "SELECT * FROM EmployeesTable WHERE " & _
                  "ManagerID = " & rstMgr!ManagerID.Value & ";"
            Set qdf = dbs.QueryDefs(strTemp)
            qdf.Name = "q_" & strMgr
            strTemp = qdf.Name
            qdf.SQL = strSQL
            Set qdf = Nothing

' Replace C:\FolderName\ with actual path
            DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel9, _
                  strTemp, "C:\FolderName\" & strFileName & ".xls"
End If

Set rstMgr = Nothing

dbs.QueryDefs.Delete strTemp
Set dbs = Nothing


            If Application.ProtectedViewWindows.Count > 0 Then
            End If

正如预期的那样,结果证明这是一系列小问题,导致 MS Excel 在函数出错后将工作簿文件保持在只读状态。 在仔细检查每一行代码以找到失败的个别行后解决。


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