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[英]Inserting node in linked list

我试图在两个索引之间动态插入一个节点,这两个索引包含Node类型的结构。 数组中的第一个元素是头指针,第二个元素是尾。

我正在尝试动态增长数组的两个索引之间的双链表。 以下是我到目前为止尝试过的代码。



#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <limits.h>

struct Node {
    int data;
    struct Node *qprev;
    struct Node *qnext;

struct Node qllentry[2];

int main()

struct Node head, tail;
    head.data = INT_MAX;
    tail.data = INT_MIN;

    head.qnext = &tail;
    tail.qprev = &head;
    head.qprev = NULL;
    tail.qnext = NULL;

    qllentry[0] = head;
    qllentry[1] = tail;
    int key = 20;
    struct Node *curr ;
    struct Node *prev;
    curr= &qllentry[0];

    while(curr->qnext != NULL && curr->data >= key) {
                curr = curr->qnext;
    prev = curr->qprev;

    struct Node *new_node = (struct Node*)malloc(sizeof(struct Node));
        new_node->data = key;
        new_node->qnext = prev->qnext;
        prev->qnext = new_node;
        new_node->qprev = prev;
        if (new_node->qnext != NULL)
            new_node->qnext->qprev = new_node;

    return 0;

正如预期的那样,新节点的插入不会发生在头部和尾部索引之间。 我添加了一些用于调试的print语句


虽然保持一个指向列表头部和尾部的数组(或指针)没有任何问题,但如果使用数组,则在分配地址后, 请将数组引用保留在列表操作之外 将list &array[x]与列表操作混合会产生混淆。 使用列表时,将其视为列表并忘记数组。

您的主要问题是迭代一个节点到远处查找插入new_node导致您在停止之前迭代到tail 插入new_node 之前停止在节点上的迭代。 你通过测试来做到这一点:

    /* test curr->qnext->data > key to stop before tail */
    while (curr->qnext && curr->qnext->data > key)
                curr = curr->qnext;

注意: prev = curr->qprev;级别的间接使用变量,就像你接下来使用prev = curr->qprev;只是隐藏细节 - 这可能会在以后增加混乱。这是完全合法的,但可以谨慎使用......)


在任何列表插入中,您只需重新连接指针 - >当前节点的下一个指向new_node并指向下一个节点的指针 - > prev以指向new_node 要完成插入, new_node->qprev指向currnew_node->qnext指向curr->next ,例如

    new_node->qprev = curr;         /* rewire pointers */
    new_node->qnext = curr->qnext;
    curr->qnext->qprev = new_node;
    curr->qnext = new_node;

注意:解决问题的简单方法是拉一张纸和一支2号铅笔,然后绘制一个块用于curr一个块用于new_node和一个块用于尾部 ,然后为prev / next指针绘制线条(用于两个没有new_node的列表,还有它。)然后,在逻辑笔直的情况下,坐下来键盘并将其啄出来。)


    /* allocate and VALIDATE! */
    if (!(new_node = malloc (sizeof *new_node))) {
        perror ("malloc - new_node");
        exit (EXIT_FAILURE);

在您编写的任何动态分配内存的代码中,您对分配的任何内存块都有2个职责 :(1) 始终保留指向内存块起始地址的指针,因此,(2)当它为no时可以释放它需要更久。 因此,如果您分配它,请跟踪指向块的指针,并在完成后free 例如,当完成输出列表值(或在专用循环中)时,您可以释放您分配的内存,类似于:

    curr = &head;                   /* output list */
    while (curr) {
        printf ("%d\n", curr->data);
        struct Node *victim = curr; /* self-explanatory */
        curr = curr->qnext;
        /* do not forget to free allocated memory */
        if (victim != &head && victim != &tail) {
            free (victim);


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <limits.h>

struct Node {
    int data;
    struct Node *qprev;
    struct Node *qnext;
} Node;

struct Node qllentry[2];

int main (void) {

    struct Node head = { .data = INT_MAX }, 
                tail = { .data = INT_MIN },

    qllentry[0] = head;     /* keep your array and list operations separate */
    qllentry[1] = tail;

    head.qnext = &tail;     /* begin list operations */
    tail.qprev = &head;

    int key = 20;

    curr = &head;

    /* test curr->qnext->data > key to stop before tail */
    while (curr->qnext && curr->qnext->data > key)
                curr = curr->qnext;

    /* allocate and VALIDATE! */
    if (!(new_node = malloc (sizeof *new_node))) {
        perror ("malloc - new_node");
        exit (EXIT_FAILURE);

    new_node->data = key;           /* assign value to new_node */

    new_node->qprev = curr;         /* rewire pointers */
    new_node->qnext = curr->qnext;
    curr->qnext->qprev = new_node;
    curr->qnext = new_node;

    curr = &head;                   /* output list */
    while (curr) {
        printf ("%d\n", curr->data);
        struct Node *victim = curr; /* self-explanatory */
        curr = curr->qnext;
        /* do not forget to free allocated memory */
        if (victim != &head && victim != &tail) {
            free (victim);

    return 0;


$ ./bin/llarray



对于Linux, valgrind是正常的选择。 每个平台都有类似的记忆检查器。 它们都很简单易用,只需通过它运行程序即可。

$ valgrind ./bin/llarray
==8665== Memcheck, a memory error detector
==8665== Copyright (C) 2002-2015, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al.
==8665== Using Valgrind-3.11.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info
==8665== Command: ./bin/llarray
==8665== HEAP SUMMARY:
==8665==     in use at exit: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==8665==   total heap usage: 1 allocs, 1 frees, 24 bytes allocated
==8665== All heap blocks were freed -- no leaks are possible
==8665== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v
==8665== ERROR SUMMARY: 0 errors from 0 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0)



最后,除了使用调试器逐步调试地址之外,您还可以编写一个简短的调试路由,以帮助您选择是否以及在哪里,您的指针处理有任何问题。 (你根本不需要输出任何内容,如果你愿意的话,你可以用相等的方法检查地址)这可以让你一次查看所有指针。 只需输出节点指针的简单路由通常很有帮助。 你需要的只是,例如

void debugptrs (struct Node *list)
    printf ("list pointers:\n\n");
    for (struct Node *iter = list; iter; iter = iter->qnext)
        printf ("prev: %16p    curr: %16p    next: %16p\n", 
                (void*)iter->qprev, (void*)iter, (void*)iter->qnext);
    putchar ('\n');


$ ./bin/llarray
list pointers:

prev:            (nil)    curr:   0x7ffd56371910    next:        0x1038010
prev:   0x7ffd56371910    curr:        0x1038010    next:   0x7ffd56371930
prev:        0x1038010    curr:   0x7ffd56371930    next:            (nil)

我总是觉得从头到尾可视地遍历地址是有帮助的。 如果节点的任何prev或next不是作为前一行(或下一行)上该节点的地址输出的内容,则您知道问题所在。




#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <limits.h>

struct Node {
    int data;
    struct Node *qprev;
    struct Node *qnext;
} Snode;

int main() {
    struct Node *head = (struct Node*)malloc(sizeof(struct Node));
    struct Node *tail = (struct Node*)malloc(sizeof(struct Node));

    // init head,
    head->data = INT_MAX;
    head->qnext = tail;
    head->qprev = NULL;

    // init tail,
    tail->data = INT_MIN;
    tail->qprev = head;
    tail->qnext = NULL;

    int key = 20;
    struct Node *curr = head;
    struct Node *prev;

    //get the pointer of the process which has less priority than the current process
    while(curr->data >= key && curr->qnext != NULL) {
        curr = curr->qnext;
    prev = curr->qprev;

    printf("head %p, data is %d, next is %p, prev is %p\n", head, head->data, (void *)head->qnext, (void *)head->qprev);
    printf("tail %p, data is %d, next is %p, prev is %p\n", tail, tail->data, (void *)tail->qnext, (void *)tail->qprev);
    printf("prev of new node %p, data is %d, next is %p, prev is %p\n", prev, prev->data, (void *)prev->qnext, (void *) prev->qprev);

    struct Node *new_node = (struct Node*)malloc(sizeof(struct Node));
    new_node->data = key;
    new_node->qnext = prev->qnext;
    prev->qnext = new_node;
    new_node->qprev = prev;

    if (new_node->qnext != NULL)
        new_node->qnext->qprev = new_node;
        tail = new_node;

    printf("head %p, data is %d, next is %p, prev is %p\n", head, head->data, (void *)head->qnext, (void *)head->qprev);
    printf("new_node %p, data is %d, next is %p, prev is %p\n", new_node, new_node->data, (void *)new_node->qnext, (void *)new_node->qprev);
    printf("tail %p, data is %d, next is %p, prev is %p\n", tail, tail->data, (void *)tail->qnext, (void *)tail->qprev);

    return 0;


head 0x2380010, data is 2147483647, next is 0x2380030, prev is (nil)
tail 0x2380030, data is -2147483648, next is (nil), prev is 0x2380010
prev of new node 0x2380010, data is 2147483647, next is 0x2380030, prev is (nil) // this is same as head,

head 0x2380010, data is 2147483647, next is 0x2380460, prev is (nil)
new_node 0x2380460, data is 20, next is 0x2380030, prev is 0x2380010
tail 0x2380030, data is -2147483648, next is (nil), prev is 0x2380460


  • 不要混合struct(head,tail)和struct pointer(new_node),它很容易混淆,容易出错。
  • 单个链表可能就足以进行这样的插入,在单链表中插入元素有一种棘手的方法。
  • 要获得良好性能,可以分配大型缓存,然后从缓存中创建新节点。
  • 编译c代码时,添加-Wall选项,这将为您提供更多警告。


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