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Spark 2在分区上迭代以创建新分区

[英]Spark 2 iterating over a partition to create a new partition

我一直在想办法想出一种方法来将火花中的数据帧减少到一个记录数据帧中间隙的帧,最好不要完全消除并行性。 这是一个大大简化的示例(这有点冗长,因为我希望它能够运行):

import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession

case class Record(typ: String, start: Int, end: Int);

object Sample {
    def main(argv: Array[String]): Unit = {
        val sparkSession = SparkSession.builder()

        val df = sparkSession.createDataFrame(
                Record("One", 0, 5),
                Record("One", 10, 15),
                Record("One", 5, 8),
                Record("Two", 10, 25),
                Record("Two", 40, 45),
                Record("Three", 30, 35)



typ   start    end
---   -----    ---
One   0        8
One   10       15
Two   10       25
Two   40       45
Three 30       35

我猜想按“ typ”值进行分区将为我提供样本中每个不同数据值(1-1,EG)的分区,最终我将分为三部分,每一个分别代表“一个”,“两个”和“三个” 。 此外,sortWithinPartitions调用旨在在“开始”时按排序顺序为我提供每个分区,以便我可以从头到尾进行迭代并记录间隔。 最后一部分是我被困住的地方。 这可能吗? 如果没有,还有另一种方法吗?

我建议跳过重新分区和排序步骤,而直接跳转到分布式压缩合并排序 (我刚刚发明了算法的名称,就像算法本身一样)。


  type Gap = (Int, Int)

  def mergeIntervals(as: List[Gap], bs: List[Gap]): List[Gap] = {
    require(!as.isEmpty, "as must be non-empty")
    require(!bs.isEmpty, "bs must be non-empty")

    def mergeRec(
      gaps: List[Gap],
      gapStart: Int,
      gapEndAccum: Int,
      as: List[Gap],
      bs: List[Gap]
    ): List[Gap] = {
      as match {
        case Nil => {
          bs match {
            case Nil => (gapStart, gapEndAccum) :: gaps
            case notEmpty => mergeRec(gaps, gapStart, gapEndAccum, bs, Nil)
        case (a0, a1) :: at => {
          if (a0 <= gapEndAccum) {
            mergeRec(gaps, gapStart, gapEndAccum max a1, at, bs)
          } else {
            bs match {
              case Nil => mergeRec((gapStart, gapEndAccum) :: gaps, a0, gapEndAccum max a1, at, bs)
              case (b0, b1) :: bt => if (b0 <= gapEndAccum) {
                mergeRec(gaps, gapStart, gapEndAccum max b1, as, bt)
              } else {
                if (a0 < b0) {
                  mergeRec((gapStart, gapEndAccum) :: gaps, a0, a1, at, bs)
                } else {
                  mergeRec((gapStart, gapEndAccum) :: gaps, b0, b1, as, bt)
    val (a0, a1) :: at = as
    val (b0, b1) :: bt = bs

    val reverseRes = 
      if (a0 < b0) 
        mergeRec(Nil, a0, a1, at, bs)
        mergeRec(Nil, b0, b1, as, bt)



    List((0, 3), (4, 7), (9, 11), (15, 16), (18, 22)),
    List((1, 2), (4, 5), (6, 10), (12, 13), (15, 17))

  // Outputs:
  // List((0,3), (4,11), (12,13), (15,17), (18,22))


  val mergedIntervals = df.
    as[(String, Int, Int)].
    map{case (t, s, e) => (t, List((s, e)))}.              // Convert start end to list with one interval
    reduceByKey(mergeIntervals).                           // perform parallel compressed merge-sort
    flatMap{ case (k, vs) => vs.map(v => (k, v._1, v._2))}.// explode resulting lists of merged intervals
    toDF("typ", "start", "end")                            // convert back to DF




|  typ|start|end|
|  Two|   10| 25|
|  Two|   40| 45|
|  One|    0|  8|
|  One|   10| 15|
|Three|   30| 35|


mergeIntervals方法实现了一种交换关联操作,用于合并已经按升序排序的非重叠间隔列表。 然后将所有重叠的间隔合并,并再次以递增顺序存储。 可以在reduce步骤中重复此过程,直到合并所有间隔序列。

该算法有趣的特性是,它最大程度地压缩了还原的每个中间结果。 因此,如果您有很多间隔且重叠很多,则此算法实际上可能其他基于输入间隔排序的算法要

但是,如果您有很多间隔而很少重叠,则此方法可能会耗尽内存并且根本无法工作,因此必须使用其他算法来首先对间隔进行排序,然后进行某种扫描并合并到相邻区域本地间隔。 因此,这是否可行取决于用例。


  val df = Seq(
    ("One", 0, 5),
    ("One", 10, 15),
    ("One", 5, 8),
    ("Two", 10, 25),
    ("Two", 40, 45),
    ("Three", 30, 35)
  ).toDF("typ", "start", "end")

  type Gap = (Int, Int)
  /** The `merge`-step of a variant of merge-sort
    * that works directly on compressed sequences of integers,
    * where instead of individual integers, the sequence is 
    * represented by sorted, non-overlapping ranges of integers.
  def mergeIntervals(as: List[Gap], bs: List[Gap]): List[Gap] = {
    require(!as.isEmpty, "as must be non-empty")
    require(!bs.isEmpty, "bs must be non-empty")
    // assuming that `as` and `bs` both are either lists with a single
    // interval, or sorted lists that arise as output of
    // this method, recursively merges them into a single list of
    // gaps, merging all overlapping gaps.
    def mergeRec(
      gaps: List[Gap],
      gapStart: Int,
      gapEndAccum: Int,
      as: List[Gap],
      bs: List[Gap]
    ): List[Gap] = {
      as match {
        case Nil => {
          bs match {
            case Nil => (gapStart, gapEndAccum) :: gaps
            case notEmpty => mergeRec(gaps, gapStart, gapEndAccum, bs, Nil)
        case (a0, a1) :: at => {
          if (a0 <= gapEndAccum) {
            mergeRec(gaps, gapStart, gapEndAccum max a1, at, bs)
          } else {
            bs match {
              case Nil => mergeRec((gapStart, gapEndAccum) :: gaps, a0, gapEndAccum max a1, at, bs)
              case (b0, b1) :: bt => if (b0 <= gapEndAccum) {
                mergeRec(gaps, gapStart, gapEndAccum max b1, as, bt)
              } else {
                if (a0 < b0) {
                  mergeRec((gapStart, gapEndAccum) :: gaps, a0, a1, at, bs)
                } else {
                  mergeRec((gapStart, gapEndAccum) :: gaps, b0, b1, as, bt)
    val (a0, a1) :: at = as
    val (b0, b1) :: bt = bs

    val reverseRes = 
      if (a0 < b0) 
        mergeRec(Nil, a0, a1, at, bs)
        mergeRec(Nil, b0, b1, as, bt)


  val mergedIntervals = df.
    as[(String, Int, Int)].
    map{case (t, s, e) => (t, List((s, e)))}.              // Convert start end to list with one interval
    reduceByKey(mergeIntervals).                           // perform parallel compressed merge-sort
    flatMap{ case (k, vs) => vs.map(v => (k, v._1, v._2))}.// explode resulting lists of merged intervals
    toDF("typ", "start", "end")                            // convert back to DF



mergeIntervals的实现进行了一些测试。 如果您想将其实际合并到代码库中,至少这里是对其进行一次重复随机测试的示意图:

  def randomIntervalSequence(): List[Gap] = {
    def recHelper(acc: List[Gap], open: Option[Int], currIdx: Int): List[Gap] = {
      if (math.random > 0.999) acc.reverse
      else {
        if (math.random > 0.90) {
          if (open.isEmpty) {
            recHelper(acc, Some(currIdx), currIdx + 1)
          } else {
            recHelper((open.get, currIdx) :: acc, None, currIdx + 1)
        } else {
          recHelper(acc, open, currIdx + 1)
    recHelper(Nil, None, 0)

  def intervalsToInts(is: List[Gap]): List[Int] = is.flatMap{ case (a, b) => a to b }

  var numNonTrivialTests = 0
  while(numNonTrivialTests < 1000) {
    val as = randomIntervalSequence()
    val bs = randomIntervalSequence()
    if (!as.isEmpty && !bs.isEmpty) {
      numNonTrivialTests += 1
      val merged = mergeIntervals(as, bs)
      assert((intervalsToInts(as).toSet ++ intervalsToInts(bs)) == intervalsToInts(merged).toSet)

显然,您将不得不用更加文明的方式来代替原始assert ,具体取决于您的框架。


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