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[英]Linq error in the select statement

我有一个返回LINQ语句结果的函数。 请检查引发错误的代码段。

            var result = devices
                .Select(d =>
                            deviceName = d.SystemDeviceName,
                            deviceType = d.SystemDeviceTypeName,
                            dvrVersion = d.DVRVersion,
                            numCameras = d.NumCameras,
                            lastPing = d.LastPingDate!=null? d.LastPingDate:null,
                            audioType = d.AudioTypeName ?? "(None)",
                            videoProvider = d.Provider,
                            ipAddress = d.IPAddress,
                            vpnIpAddress = d.VPNIPAddress,
                            internalUseIpAddress = d.InternalUseIPAddress,
                            viewLiveLink = "<a onclick='openViewer(" + d.SystemDeviceID + ", true)'>"
                                    + (ShowIcon ? "<img src='images/video-live.png'>" : String.Empty)
                                    + (ShowIcon && ShowText ? "&nbsp;" : String.Empty)
                                    + (ShowText ? "View Live" : String.Empty)
                                    + "</a>",
                            viewSearchLink = "<a onclick='openViewer(" + d.SystemDeviceID + ", false)'>"
                                    + (ShowIcon ? "<img src='images/video-recorded.png'>" : String.Empty)
                                    + (ShowIcon && ShowText ? "&nbsp;" : String.Empty)
                                    + (ShowText ? "View Recorded" : String.Empty)
                                    + "</a>",

            response.Object = result;
            return response;

我从var result = devices.select语句中得到错误。


无法将类型“ System.Int32”强制转换为类型“ System.Object”。 LINQ to Entities仅支持强制转换EDM基本类型或枚举类型。

我试图确定哪个作业引发了错误。 以下几行引起了错误,

viewLiveLink = "<a onclick='openViewer(" + d.SystemDeviceID + ", true)'>"
                                + (ShowIcon ? "<img src='images/video-live.png'>" : String.Empty)
                                + (ShowIcon && ShowText ? "&nbsp;" : String.Empty)
                                + (ShowText ? "View Live" : String.Empty)
                                + "</a>",
                        viewSearchLink = "<a onclick='openViewer(" + d.SystemDeviceID + ", false)'>"
                                + (ShowIcon ? "<img src='images/video-recorded.png'>" : String.Empty)
                                + (ShowIcon && ShowText ? "&nbsp;" : String.Empty)
                                + (ShowText ? "View Recorded" : String.Empty)
                                + "</a>",


public partial class VideoDevice
    public VideoDevice()
        this.ImageApeSubscriptions = new HashSet<ImageApeSubscription>();

    public int VideoDeviceID { get; set; }
    public Nullable<int> SiteId { get; set; }
    public string CompanyNumber { get; set; }
    public int SystemDeviceID { get; set; }
    public int CompanySystemID { get; set; }
    public string SystemDeviceName { get; set; }
    public string SystemDeviceTypeName { get; set; }
    public int NumCameras { get; set; }
    public string Provider { get; set; }
    public string DVRVersion { get; set; }
    public string IPAddress { get; set; }
    public string VPNIPAddress { get; set; }
    public string InternalUseIPAddress { get; set; }
    public Nullable<int> PrimaryCameraID { get; set; }
    public Nullable<System.DateTime> LastPingDate { get; set; }
    public string AudioTypeName { get; set; }
    public string ViewerClassName { get; set; }
    public string ViewerName { get; set; }
    public string OverrideIP { get; set; }

    public virtual ICollection<ImageApeSubscription> ImageApeSubscriptions { get; set; }

请帮助我清除错误。 提前致谢。


var result = devices
.ToArray()//<< solution
.Select(d => new{



 viewLiveLink = "<a onclick='openViewer(" + d.SystemDeviceID.ToString() + ", true)'>"
                                    + (ShowIcon ? "<img src='images/video-live.png'>" : String.Empty)
                                    + (ShowIcon && ShowText ? "&nbsp;" : String.Empty)
                                    + (ShowText ? "View Live" : String.Empty)
                                    + "</a>",
                            viewSearchLink = "<a onclick='openViewer(" + d.SystemDeviceID.ToString() + ", false)'>"
                                    + (ShowIcon ? "<img src='images/video-recorded.png'>" : String.Empty)
                                    + (ShowIcon && ShowText ? "&nbsp;" : String.Empty)
                                    + (ShowText ? "View Recorded" : String.Empty)
                                    + "</a>",

首先,您使用的是EF6还是EF Core?




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