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[英]C: Segmentation fault in doubly linked list, in append and delete function

我在C中创建双向链接列表时遇到问题,因为它在添加和删除中返回分段错误。 好像我将其中一个指针指向了错误的位置,但是我很难找到它。



int list_append(list_t *list, int val) {
    if(!list) { return 1; }

//    create a new node, then assign the value
    struct node_t *new = (node_t *) malloc(sizeof(node_t));
    new->val = val;
    new->prev = NULL;
    new->next = NULL;

//    place the new node (since it is tail, make next null)
    new->next = NULL;

//    if there's no head(null), make the new node the head (and tail)
    if (list->head == NULL)
        list->head = new;

//    if the next value is not null, traverse until it is (=tail)
    struct node_t *node = list->head;

    while (node)
        node = list->tail;
//    place the new node at the next of tail
    list->tail->next = new;

//    set the old tail as the previous of new node
    new->prev = list->tail;

    list->tail->next = NULL;


    return 0;


int list_delete(list_t *list, int val) {
    if(!list) { return 1; }


//    make a temporary node to help find the value
    struct node_t *temp = list->head;

//    start traversing the list

    while (temp)

//      if match is found
        if (temp->val == val)
//          if the match is actually the head, make the next node the new head,
//          then make old head null
            if (temp == list->head)
                list->head = list->head->next;
                list->head->prev = NULL;
//          if the match is at the tail, make the previous node the new tail,
//          then make the old tail null
            if (temp == list->tail)
                list->tail = list->tail->prev;
                temp->prev->next = NULL;
            } else
//              set new next of temp as the old next of temp, and vice versa
//              then, free temp from memory
                temp->next = temp->prev->next;
                temp->prev = temp->next->prev;

                temp = NULL;

//      keep moving
        temp = temp->next;


    return 0;



while (node) {
    node = list->tail; /*what is tail here ?? */
/* after this loop you are not using node anywhere, what's the use 
    of iterating through loop */
//    place the new node at the next of tail
list->tail->next = new;
//    set the old tail as the previous of new node
new->prev = list->tail;
list->tail->next = NULL;


struct node_t *node = list->head;

while (node->next) {/* when loop fails node holds  last node address */
     node = list->next;
node->next = new; /* replace node->next as new node */
new->prev = node->next; /* new node previous make it as old node next */
new->next = NULL;/* last node next make it as 0*/



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