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Excel VBA-对函数使用数组(3个变量)

[英]Excel VBA - use array for function (3 variables)

在Excel VBA中,我有一个y函数,输入了3个变量(a,b,c)。 我想做的是使用VBA自动将此功能应用于一系列单元格(工作表中列出的a,b和c的组合)。


  b   1  1  1  1  1  2  2  2  2  3  3  3  4  4  etc.
  c   2  3  4  5  6  3  4  5  6  4  5  6  5  6  etc.

1     .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .
2     .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .
3     .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .
4     .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .

“点”是函数(a,b,c)的结果应终止的位置(例如,左上角的点应为“ function(1,1,2)”的结果)。 值得注意的是,在一列中应使用相同的b和c配对值(因此,在同一列中,只有“ a”变化而b和c保持不变)。

该函数的先前版本只有2个变量作为输入(a和b,设置方式与上面的数据相同),我使用了2D数组(垂直行上“ a”的值,“ b”的值'(在水平列上)),使用以下代码将函数应用于a和b的所有组合:

Sub applyfunction()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim arr_ab()
Dim a, b, i As Long, j As Long

For Each ws In Worksheets
   If ws.Name Like "Util*" Then
       With ws
           a = .Range("B5:B244").Value
           b = .Range("C2:CG2").Value
           ReDim arr_ab(1 To UBound(a), 1 To UBound(b, 2))
           For i = LBound(arr_ab) To UBound(arr_ab)
              For j = LBound(arr_ab, 2) To UBound(arr_ab, 2)
                arr_ab(a, b) = "=function(" & a(i, 1) & ", " & b(1, j) & ")"
              Next j
           Next i
           .Range("C5:CG244").Value = arr_ab()
       End With
   End If
Next ws

End Sub

但是,既然我已经向函数添加了第三个变量(c),我想使用function(a,b,c)。 我很难像我只有2个变量时那样工作。 有没有办法仍然为此使用数组?



Option Explicit
Sub ApplyFunction()

Dim Arng As Range: Set Arng = Application.Range("A4:A8")
Dim AVal As Integer
Dim ACell As Range
Dim ARow As Integer

Dim Brng As Range: Set Brng = Application.Range("C1:G1")
Dim BVal As Integer
Dim BCell As Range
Dim BCol As Integer
Dim BRow As Integer

Dim CVal As Integer

For Each ACell In Arng
  AVal = ACell.Value
  ARow = ACell.Row
  For Each BCell In Brng
    BVal = BCell.Value
    BCol = BCell.Column
    BRow = BCell.Row
    CVal = Cells(BRow + 1, BCol)
    Cells(ARow, BCol) = ABC(AVal, BVal, CVal)

End Sub

Function ABC(A As Integer, B As Integer, C As Integer) As Integer
   ABC = A * B * C
End Function

我不确定这是否是您想要的。 在数组中使用三个元素的问题是,您将失去从二维结果集到三维数组的映射。 因此,当您要将结果传输到工作表时,您将不得不做一些不同的事情,即不仅要绘制数组的内容。 简短的答案使您的问题错了,但是是的,如果可以的话,您可以添加多个维度,但是在将其映射到二维结果集时,效率会越来越低,而且笨拙。 我还没有在上面用我的代码重新创建过所有代码,但是我已经包含了足够的内容来向您展示另一种方法。 我不是在检查我正在使用的工作表,也不是完全引用单元格等,而是将其放在工作表中,它会做我想做的事情,然后修改以攻击正确的工作表等。


Sub applyfunction()
    Dim ws As Worksheet
    Dim a As Variant, b As Variant, c As Variant
    Dim i As Long, j As Long

    For Each ws In Worksheets
        If ws.name Like "Util*" Then
            With ws
                a = Application.Transpose(.Range("B5", Cells(.Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp)).Value)
                b = Application.Transpose(Application.Transpose(.Range("C2", .Cells(2, .Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft)).Value))
                c = Application.Transpose(Application.Transpose(.Range("C3").Resize(, UBound(b)).Value))
                ReDim abc(1 To UBound(a), 1 To UBound(b))
                For i = LBound(a) To UBound(a)
                    For j = LBound(b) To UBound(b)
                        abc(i, j) = "=MyFunction(" & a(i) & ", " & b(j) & ", " & c(j) & ")"
                    Next j
                Next i
                .Range("C5").Resize(UBound(a), UBound(b)).Value = abc()
            End With
        End If
End Sub


Sub applyfunction()
    Dim ws As Worksheet
    Dim a As Variant, bc As Variant
    Dim i As Long, j As Long

    For Each ws In Worksheets
        If ws.name Like "Util*" Then
            With ws
                a = Application.Transpose(.Range("B5", Cells(.Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp)).Value)
                bc = .Range("C2", .Cells(2, .Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft)).Resize(2).Value
                ReDim abc(1 To UBound(a), 1 To UBound(bc, 2))
                For i = LBound(a) To UBound(a)
                    For j = LBound(bc, 2) To UBound(bc, 2)
                        abc(i, j) = "=MyFunction(" & a(i) & ", " & bc(1, j) & ", " & bc(2, j) & ")"
                .Range("C5").Resize(UBound(a), UBound(bc, 2)).Value = abc()
            End With
        End If
End Sub

注意:我使用“ MyFunction”而不是“ function”来进行测试。 将“ MyFunction”更改为您的实际函数名称


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