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[英]Cant find a specific key in my stl container map

嗨,我一直在努力让迭代器指针找到map stl容器的指定键。 以下项目是针对我的解析器练习的,在该项目中为我们提供了一个文件,重点是解析它并逐行读取每一行。 该文件应位于要读取的项目文件夹中。 该文件包含以下文本


;this is the settings section

fullscreen = true

gamepad = false

windowWidth = 800

windowHeight = 600


numLevels = 3

Level1 = file1.lvl

Level2= file2.lvl



name = Student

speed = 5.0


name ="Zombie"

speed = 1.0

然后我们应该制作一个Mapkey,它是section(括号中的文本)和“ |”的组合 和键(即=之前的文本),值是等号之后的文本。

在尝试使用find函数查找指定的Mapkey之前,我的代码可以正常工作。 有人可以帮忙吗?

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream> 
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;

std::map<std::string, std::string> m_mapPairs;

int main()
        string strLine;
        fstream myFile;

        myFile.open("New Text Document.txt"); //name of the file to be read
        if (myFile.is_open())
            static string section = " ";
            string key = " ";
            string value= " ";
            while (!myFile.eof())

                    getline(myFile, strLine);
                    if (strLine.find("[") !=-1) 
                        int index1 = strLine.find_first_of("[");    //finds it in a line, if it does it puts it in index 1 if it doesnt it doesnt bother
                        int index2 = strLine.find_first_of("]");//finds it in a line, if it does it puts it in index 2 if it doesnt it doesnt bother
                         section = strLine.substr(index1 + 1, index2 - 1);
                         section = section + "|";

                    if (strLine.find("=") != -1)
                        int index1 = strLine.find("");
                        int index2 = strLine.find("=");
                        key = strLine.substr(index1, index2 );

                    if (strLine.find("=")!=-1 )
                        int index1 = strLine.find("="); //finds it in a line, if it does it puts it in index 1 if it doesnt it doesnt bother
                        value = strLine.substr(index1+1 , 11);


                    if (strLine.find(";") > -1)
                        int index1 = strLine.find(";"); //finds it in a line, if it does it puts it in index 1 if it doesnt it doesnt bother
                        string ivalue = strLine.substr(index1 + 1, 11);

                    if (key != "") {

                        std::string Thekey = section + key;
                        m_mapPairs.insert(std::pair<std::string, std::string>(Thekey, value));

            std::map<std::string, std::string>::iterator iter;      //iterating through all the keys
            iter = m_mapPairs.begin();
            while (iter != m_mapPairs.end())

                std::cout << iter->first << "\'s value is ";
                std::cout << iter->second << std::endl;


            iter = m_mapPairs.find("settings|windowWidth");     //trying to find this key in the map but cant find it

            if (iter != m_mapPairs.end())
                std::cout << "found: " << std::endl;
                return true;
                return false;


        int a;
        std::cin >> a;
        return (0);

我将不胜感激。 谢谢

我不知道到底是什么问题。 但是,我更改了它解析单词的方式以及现在的工作方式。 以下是输出:

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include <algorithm>

int main()
    std::map<std::string, std::string> m_mapPairs;
    std::string strLine;
    std::fstream myFile;
    myFile.open("New Text Document.txt"); //name of the file to be read

    if (myFile.is_open())
        std::string section; section.clear();
        std::string key;     key.clear();
        std::string value;   value.clear();
        while (!myFile.eof())
            getline(myFile, strLine);

            if (strLine[0] == '[' && strLine[strLine.size() - 1] == ']')
                int index2 = strLine.find_first_of("]");
                section = strLine.substr(1, index2 - 1);
                section += "|";
            if (strLine[0] == ';') continue;

            std::string tempStore; tempStore.clear();
            for (size_t i = 0; i < strLine.size(); ++i)
                if (strLine[i] != ' ' && strLine[i] != '=')
                    tempStore += strLine[i];
                if (strLine[i] == ' ' && strLine[i + 1] == '=')
                    key = section + tempStore;
                if (i + 1 == strLine.size())
                    value = tempStore;

            if (key.size() != 0 && value.size() != 0)
                m_mapPairs[key] = value;

    if (m_mapPairs.size() != 0)
        for (const auto& it : m_mapPairs)
            std::cout << it.first << " 's Value: \t" << it.second << std::endl;

    std::cout << std::endl;

    if(m_mapPairs.find("settings|windowWidth") != m_mapPairs.end())
        std::cout << "found! " << std::endl;
        std::cout << "Not found! " << std::endl;


您可以做的一件事是,在保存所有要映射的键和值之后,移动调试器部件。 即关闭文件后。


我确实调试了您的代码; 以下是您while (!myFile.eof()){....}内的结果或逻辑问题while (!myFile.eof()){....}

  1. 您的代码在插入地图之前不会组合section + key 因为插入地图的条件很弱( if (key != "")很弱)。 这样会导致插入一些错误的键,并使用""值插入。 因此,请改用此代码: if (key.size() != 0 && value.size() != 0)就像我在实现中所做的那样。

  2. 两个if (strLine.find("=") != -1)的解析部分都有一个错误,它们将键和值保存到映射中,如下所示:

    “设置|全屏”“ true”->> 在您的代码中带空格

    “设置|全屏”“ true”->> 实际需要

所有输入都会发生这种情况。 这是图像视图 只要不按以下方式在while (!myFile.eof()){....}内更改代码,就无法查找关键字iter = m_mapPairs.find("settings|windowWidth");


#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;

std::map<std::string, std::string> m_mapPairs;
int main()
    string strLine;
    fstream myFile;

    myFile.open("New Text Document.txt"); //name of the file to be read
    if (myFile.is_open())
        static string section = "";
        string key = "";
        string value = "";

        while (!myFile.eof())
            getline(myFile, strLine);
            if (strLine.find("[") != -1)
                int index1 = strLine.find_first_of("[");   
                int index2 = strLine.find_first_of("]");
                section = strLine.substr(index1 + 1, index2 - 1);
                section = section + "|";
            if (strLine.find("=") != -1)
                int index1 = strLine.find("");
                int index2 = strLine.find("=");
                //change in following line
                key = strLine.substr(index1, index2-1);
            if (strLine.find("=") != -1)
                int index1 = strLine.find("=");
                //change in following line
                value = strLine.substr(index1 + 2, strLine.size()-1);
            if (strLine.find(";") > -1)
                int index1 = strLine.find(";"); 
                string ivalue = strLine.substr(index1 + 1, 11);
            //change in following line
            if (key.size() != 0 && value.size() != 0)
                std::string Thekey = section + key;
                m_mapPairs.insert(std::pair<std::string, std::string>(Thekey, value));

    std::map<std::string, std::string>::iterator iter;      //iterating through all the keys
    iter = m_mapPairs.begin();
    while (iter != m_mapPairs.end())
        std::cout << iter->first << "\t Value: ";
        std::cout << iter->second << std::endl;

    iter = m_mapPairs.find("settings|windowWidth");     //trying to find this key in the map but cant find it

    if (iter != m_mapPairs.end())
        std::cout << "found ! " << std::endl;
        std::cout << "NOT found: " << std::endl;

    std::cin.get();//return (0);


您的地图“ m_mapPairs”在键“ settings | windowWidth”的末尾包含空格。 但是,传递给您查找的键的末尾没有空格。 这就是为什么查找不成功的原因。

-> m_mapPairs.find(“ settings | windowWidth”)。


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