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联系表格 7 挂钩skip_mail

[英]Contact Form 7 Hook for skip_mail

我正在使用 Contact Form 7 和 PayPal & Stripe Add-on(用于 Contact Form 7)插件。 在联系表 7 上,我打开了附加设置skip_mail = on 当人们已经在 PayPal & Stripe Add-on 插件中付款时,是否可以创建一个钩子来关闭skip_mail = off并从表单发送数据?


    Prevent the email sending step for specific form and condition 
add_action("wpcf7_before_send_mail", "wpcf7_do_something_else");  
function wpcf7_do_something_else($cf7) {
    // get the contact form object
    $wpcf = WPCF7_ContactForm::get_current();

    // if you wanna check the ID of the Form $wpcf->id

    if (/*Check whether user already paid the payment in the PayPal & Stripe Add-on plugin*/) {
        // If you want to skip mailing the data, you can do it...  
        $wpcf->skip_mail = true;    

    return $wpcf;
add_filter( 'wpcf7_skip_mail', function( $skip_mail, $contact_form ){
    $skip = ( $contact_form->id() == 111 ) // skip send mail if cf7_id = 111
    return $skip; // return true or false
}, 10, 2 );


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