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Selenium Ruby脚本和HP ALM集成

[英]Selenium Ruby script and HP ALM integration

我正在从事Selenium ALM集成。 我有使用ruby开发的脚本,我想从HP ALM触发测试执行硒脚本,并将测试执行结果写回到HP ALM。 请帮我。


  • 创建VAPI-XP-TEST类型的测试(您需要在创建测试时提及,因为以后无法更改)
  • 然后,您需要提供脚本语言(VBScript是一个不错的选择)
  • 然后,您需要提供测试类型,您的情况可能是控制台应用程序测试,其他选项是:COM / DCOM服务器测试,Java类测试,Web服务(肥皂),测试。
  • 然后,将“应用程序可执行文件”留空



' vbscript [VBScript]
' Created by Application Lifecycle Management
' 4/20/2018 16:34:54
' ====================================================

' ----------------------------------------------------
' Main Test Function
' Debug - Boolean. Equals to false if running in [Test Mode] : reporting to Application Lifecycle Management
' CurrentTestSet - [OTA COM Library].TestSet.
' CurrentTSTest - [OTA COM Library].TSTest.
' CurrentRun - [OTA COM Library].Run.
' ----------------------------------------------------
Sub Test_Main(Debug, CurrentTestSet, CurrentTSTest, CurrentRun)
  ' *** VBScript Limitation ! ***
  ' "On Error Resume Next" statement suppresses run-time script errors.
  ' To handle run-time error in a right way, you need to put "If Err.Number <> 0 Then"
  ' after each line of code that can cause such a run-time error.
  On Error Resume Next

  ' clear output window

  ' TODO: put your code here
  ' === CODE ADDED START === 
  strCommandLine = "C:\\<pathtoyour ruby interpreter>\\bin\\ruby.exe c:\\test.rb" &  CurrentTSTest.name
  Set wshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
  iReturn = wshShell.Run(strCommandLine, 1, True)
  if iReturn = -1 then
    CurrentRun.Status = "Failed"
    CurrentTSTest.Status = "Failed"
    CurrentRun.Status = "Passed"
    CurrentTSTest.Status = "Passed"
  end if
  ' === CODE ADDED END ===     

  If Not Debug Then
  End If
  ' handle run-time errors
  If Err.Number <> 0 Then
    TDOutput.Print "Run-time error [" & Err.Number & "] : " & Err.Description
    ' update execution status in "Test" mode
    If Not Debug Then
      CurrentRun.Status = "Failed"
      CurrentTSTest.Status = "Failed"
    End If
  End If
End Sub

上面是VBScript的示例,其中您的实际硒脚本为c:\\ test.rb(请参见上面的代码)



puts "running the script #{ARGV[0]}"
# put your test code here 
# in the end exit -1 => failure or 0 success
exit -1
#exit 0

您可以根据需要使用相同的test.rb或不同的test.rb。 我已经测试了上面的设置,并且对我有用(ALM 12.53)

祝好运 :)


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