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EF Core - MERGE 语句与 FOREIGN KEY 约束冲突

[英]EF Core - The MERGE statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint


我已经阅读了这个类似的问题,并尝试了接受的答案(在每个表之后,在最终保存完整产品之前放置一个_context.SaveChanges() ),但我仍然遇到如下所述的相同错误。


public class Product
    public int Id { get; set; }
    // some more properties
    public ICollection<IdentifierForProduct> Identifiers { get; set; }

public class IdentifierForProduct
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public int ProductId { get; set; }
    public int ProductIdentifierId { get; set; }
    public string Value { get; set; } // E.g. "4902505154881"

    public ProductIdentifier Identifier { get; set; }
    public Product Product { get; set; }

public class ProductIdentifier
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Label { get; set; } // E.g. "EAN"

    public ICollection<IdentifierForProduct> ProductIdentifiers { get; set; }


List<IdentifierForProduct> Identifiers = new List<IdentifierForProduct>();
if (VMProduct.Identifiers != null)
    for (var i = 0; i < VMProduct.Identifiers.Count; i++)
        Identifiers.Add(new IdentifierForProduct
            ProductId = VMProduct.Id,
            ProductIdentifierId = VMProduct.Identifiers[i].Id,
            Value = VMProduct.Identifiers[i].Value


Product DbM = await GetProduct(VMProduct.Id);
// some more properties are set
DbM.Identifiers = Identifiers;
await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

此异常在await _context.SaveChangesAsync();抛出await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

SqlException:MERGE 语句与 FOREIGN KEY 约束“FK_IdentifiersForProducts_ProductIdentifiers_ProductIdentifierId”冲突。 冲突发生在数据库“MyStore”、表“dbo.ProductIdentifiers”、“Id”列中。 该语句已终止。 System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand+<>c.b__108_0(任务结果)

DbUpdateException: 更新条目时出错。 有关详细信息,请参阅内部异常。 Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Update.ReaderModificationCommandBatch+d__32.MoveNext()


public async Task<Product> GetProduct(int Id)
    Product DbM = await _context.Products
        .Include(ic => ic.InCategories)
            .ThenInclude(pc => pc.ProductCategory)
        .Include(t => t.Type)
            .ThenInclude(i => i.Identifiers) // ProductIdentifiersInTypes
                .ThenInclude(i => i.Identifier)
            .Include(t => t.Type)
                .ThenInclude(p => p.Properties) // ProductPropertiesInTypes
                    .ThenInclude(p => p.Property)
                        .ThenInclude(o => o.Options)
        .Include(p => p.ProductPropertyOptions)
        .Where(p => p.Id == Id)
    return DbM;

发生此错误的原因是,您在“IdentifierForProduct”中的外键“ProductIdentifierId”可能在此处的值为 0:

List<IdentifierForProduct> Identifiers = new List<IdentifierForProduct>();
if (VMProduct.Identifiers != null)
    for (var i = 0; i < VMProduct.Identifiers.Count; i++)
        Identifiers.Add(new IdentifierForProduct
            ProductId = VMProduct.Id,
            ProductIdentifierId = VMProduct.Identifiers[i].Id, //here, your id should be 0
            Value = VMProduct.Identifiers[i].Value

当实体框架核心遇到外键值为0时,它会抛出这种错误,因为它无法插入作为某个对象的主键的外值0。 显然,主键的值不能为 0。



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