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[英]React-Typescript: How do I type a default prop?


interface SomeComponentProps {
  someOptionalProperty?: string;
interface SomeComponentState { /* ... */ }

class SomeComponent extends React.Component<SomeComponentProps, SomeComponentState> {
  static defaultProps = {
    someOptionalProp = 'some default value',

  method() {
    const shouldNotBeOptional = this.props.someOptionalProp;



return `this.props.someOptionalProp || 'the default value'`;


TS 2.8.3确实不可行,但已经存在一些问题

关于反应类型: https : //github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped/issues/11640

在TS回购上: https : //github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/issues/23812

我相信您目前可以实现的最好成绩是! 运算符,告诉编译器您知道某些内容不能为null

const shouldNotBeOptional = this.props.someOptionalProp!;


interface SomeComponentProps {
    required: string;
    someOptionalProperty: string;
    trulyOptional?: string;
interface SomeComponentState { /* ... */ }

class SomeComponent extends React.Component<SomeComponentProps, SomeComponentState> {
    static defaultProps = {
        someOptionalProperty : 'some default value',

    method() {
        const shouldNotBeOptional = this.props.someOptionalProperty;

type SameTypeOrCustomError<T1, T2> = T1 extends T2 ? T2 extends T1 ? T1 : "Error Different Types": "Error Different Types";
type FilterOptional<T> = Exclude<{ [P in keyof T]: undefined extends T[P]? P: never }[keyof T], undefined>;

type d = FilterOptional<SomeComponentProps>
type PropsWithDefault<TProps extends TDefaults, TDefaults> = 
    { [P in Exclude<keyof TProps, keyof TDefaults | FilterOptional<TProps>>]: TProps[P] } &
    { [P in keyof TDefaults | FilterOptional<TProps>]?: TProps[P] }; 

type ReactProps<T> = T extends React.Component<infer Props, any> ? Props: never;
type ReactState<T> = T extends React.Component<any, infer TState> ? TState: never;
type ChangeReactProps<TComponent extends React.Component<any, any>, TNewProps> = {
    new (props: TNewProps, context?: any) : React.Component<TNewProps, ReactState<TComponent>>

function withDefaults<T extends { new (...args: any[]) : any, defaultProps: Partial<ReactProps<InstanceType<T>>> }>(ctor: T) 
    : ChangeReactProps<InstanceType<T>, PropsWithDefault<ReactProps<InstanceType<T>>, T['defaultProps']>>  {
    return ctor; // we just chage type, we can return the same class 

const SomeComponent2 = withDefaults(SomeComponent);

let d = <SomeComponent2  required=""  /> //ok 
let x = <SomeComponent2  required="" trulyOptional="" /> //ok 

我在代码库中使用Typescript 2.8的高阶组件:

const withDefaultProps = <P extends object, DP extends Partial<P>>(
  defaultProps: DP,
  component: React.ComponentType<P>
) => {
  type ActualProps = Partial<DP> & Pick<P, Exclude<keyof P, keyof DP>>
  component.defaultProps = defaultProps
  return component as React.ComponentType<ActualProps>

interface IComponentProps {
  someOptionalProp: string

class SomeComponent extends React.Component<IComponentProps, {}> {
  method() {
    // this is always defined
    const shouldNotBeOptional = this.props.someOptionalProp;

// when using this like <SomeComponent />, someOptionalProp is optional
export default withDefaultProps(
  { someOptionalProp: 'defaultValue' },

这个问题已经在这里讨论和解决。 现在,您只需执行以下操作:

interface Props {
  thing: string; // note: not optional within class, but is optional when writing due to the default

class Thing extends React.Component<Props> {
   static defaultProps = {
      thing: 'hello'

  render() {
    console.log(this.props.thing) // strict type from `Props`
    // ...
// ..
<Thing /> // works, thanks to `defaultProps`

它适用于Typescript 3.1.6和React 16.5.0


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