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[英]Moq: How to mock method with `complex type` parameter


Moq:具有out parameter模拟方法方法返回空数组

问题是不与out parameter ,但与complex type parameter albumFilterscomplex type AlbumFilter 有关详细信息,请参见我的答案。

我让Moq正在为没有out parameter的方法工作,但是当我尝试和带有out parameter Moq时,它将返回一个空数组。

GetAllAlbums_ok_returnsdata_test()通过。 GetAllAlbumsPaged_test()失败。 _inventoryServiceGetAllAlbumsPaged方法中对AlbumApiController返回一个空数组Album[]

我已经看过Moq快速入门部分中有关使用out arguments


var outString =“ ack”;

// TryParse将返回true,而out参数将返回“ ack”,这是延迟计算的

mock.Setup(foo => foo.TryParse(“ ping”,outString))。Returns(true);


public void GetAllAlbums_ok_returnsdata_test() {
  Mock<IInventoryService> mockInventoryService
                      = new Mock<IInventoryService>();
  Album[] albums = { new Album { AlbumId = 1 },
    new Album { AlbumId = 2 } };
  mockInventoryService.Setup(obj => obj.GetAllAlbums()).Returns(albums);

  AlbumApiController controller = new AlbumApiController(mockInventoryService.Object);

  IHttpActionResult response = controller.GetAllAlbums();
  var contentResult = response as OkNegotiatedContentResult<Album[]>;
  var data = contentResult.Content;
  Assert.Equal(data, albums); }

public void GetAllAlbumsPaged_test() {
  Mock<IInventoryService> mockInventoryService
                      = new Mock<IInventoryService>();
  Album[] albums = new Album[20];
    for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) albums[i] = new Album { AlbumId = i + 1 };
  var albumFilter = new AlbumFilter { AlbumNumber = "", Artist = "",
      Title = "", Genre = 0, Price = 0, StockAmount = 0 };
  var sortItems = new List<SortItem>(); 
  int totalCount;

  mockInventoryService.Setup(obj => obj.GetAllAlbumsPaged(out totalCount, albumFilter,
        sortItems, 0, 4)).Returns(albums);

  AlbumApiController controller = new AlbumApiController(mockInventoryService.Object);

  IHttpActionResult response = controller.GetAllAlbumsPaged(Json.Encode(albumFilter),
        Json.Encode(sortItems), 0, 4);
  var contentResult = response as OkNegotiatedContentResult<object>;
  Assert.NotNull(contentResult); }


public class AlbumApiController : ApiController
    private readonly IInventoryService _inventoryService;

    public AlbumApiController(IInventoryService inventoryService)
    { _inventoryService = inventoryService; }

    public IHttpActionResult GetAllAlbums() {
      return GetHttpResponse(Request, () => {
        var albums = _inventoryService.GetAllAlbums();
        return Ok(albums); }); }

    public IHttpActionResult GetAllAlbumsPaged(string filters, string sorts,
          int pageIndex, int pageSize) { 
      var _filters = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<AlbumFilter>(filters);
      var _sorts = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<SortItem>>(sorts);
      return GetHttpResponse(Request, () => {
        int totalCount;
        var albums = _inventoryService.GetAllAlbumsPaged(out totalCount, _filters,
          _sorts, pageIndex, pageSize);
        var albums_Count = new { albums, totalCount };
        return Ok(albums_Count); }); } }



public IHttpActionResult GetTest(int intTest)
  return GetHttpResponse(Request, () => {
    int testInt;
    var albums = _inventoryService.GetTest(out testInt, intTest);
    return Ok(albums);


public void GetTest_test() {
  Mock<IInventoryService> mockInventoryService
                = new Mock<IInventoryService>();
  Album[] albums = new Album[20];
  for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) albums[i] = new Album { AlbumId = i + 1 };
  int testInt = 15;
  mockInventoryService.Setup(obj => obj.GetTest(out testInt, 5)).Returns(albums);

  AlbumApiController controller = new AlbumApiController(mockInventoryService.Object);
  IHttpActionResult response = controller.GetTest(5);
  var contentResult = response as OkNegotiatedContentResult<Album[]>;

  var data = contentResult.Content;
  Assert.Equal(data, albums); }

测试通过,并且在GetTest方法中更新了GetTest因此问题似乎不在于“ out参数”。

根据Diana的故障排除建议,我将其添加到GetAllAlbumsPaged方法中( JsonConverts ),以确保问题不在于JSON

  _filters = new AlbumFilter { AlbumNumber = "", Artist = "",
      Title = "", Genre = 0, Price = 0, StockAmount = 0 };
  _sorts = new List<SortItem>();


out parameter不是问题。 问题是complex type参数AlbumFilter Moq显然不喜欢complex type 我可以通过传递It.IsAny<AlbumFilter>()而不是AlbumFilter albumFilter实例来更改mockInventoryService设置,从而使其工作。

 mockInventoryService.Setup(obj => obj.GetAllAlbumsPaged(out totalCount,
                      It.IsAny<AlbumFilter>(), sortItems, 0, 4)).Returns(albums);


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