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[英]changing the background color on clicking on the button




  function colorize() { var element = document.getElementById("azul"); element.style.backgroundColor = 'blue'; element.style.color = "yellow"; } 
  html{ background: grey; } #azul:focus { background: blue; } 
  <div id="branca"> <h1>LOI Lampen aanzetten en uitzetten</h1> <button id="azul" onclick="document.getElementById('myImage').src = '/img/393533_02.PNG'">Turn on the light</button> <img id="myImage" src="img/393533_01.PNG" class="mudar"> <div id="yellow"> <button onclick="document.getElementById('myImage', '').src='/img/393533_01.PNG'">Turn off the light</button> </div> </div> 


function colorize() {
     var element = document.getElementsByTagName("html")[0];
     element.style.backgroundColor = 'blue';

您正在使用按钮元素并更改其颜色。 您必须选择html标记,以更改通过CSS分配给它的background-clor属性。



function colorize() {
  var element = document.getElementsByTagName("html")[0];
  element.style.backgroundColor = 'blue';
  element.style.color = "yellow";

#azul:focus {
background: blue;

<div id="branca">
<h1>LOI Lampen aanzetten en uitzetten</h1>
<button id="azul" onclick="document.getElementById('myImage').src = '/img/393533_02.PNG';colorize()">Turn on the light</button>

<img id="myImage" src="img/393533_01.PNG" class="mudar">
<div id="yellow">
  <button onclick="document.getElementById('myImage', '').src='/img/393533_01.PNG'">Turn off the light</button>


您需要更改document的背景颜色,而不是element ,这是您的按钮。


不要通过HTML事件属性 (即onclickonmouseover等) 设置事件处理程序 这是我们已经拥有25年以上历史的技术,在我们拥有现代标准和最佳实践之前就已经使用,并且由于它易于使用,人们一直在使用它。 但是,出于多种原因,您不应该使用此技术 ,而是将JavaScript与HTML分开。 相反,请将您的JavaScript分开,并使用.addEventListener()将元素连接到它们各自的回调函数。

尽可能使用预制的CSS类,因为它们比内联CSS样式(通过.style属性)更易于管理和重用。 然后,您可以根据需要轻松使用element.classList API添加或删除类。


 // Get references to the elements you'll need to work with let targetImage = document.getElementById('myImage'); let btnOn = document.getElementById("on"); let btnOff = document.getElementById("off"); // Then, set up your event handlers in JavaScript, not HTML btnOn.addEventListener("click", changeImage); btnOff.addEventListener("click", changeImage); function changeImage(){ // Set the target's source to the data-source attribute for the clicked button targetImage.src = this.dataset.source; targetImage.alt = this.dataset.alt // Now update the alt attribute // Change the background color of the page by adding or removing a // pre-made class to/from the body based on the button that was clicked // Since this is a simple if/then scenario, we can use the JavaScript "ternary" operator // which works like this: some condition ? what to do if condition is true : what to do if false this.id === "on" ? document.body.classList.add("blue") : document.body.classList.remove("blue"); } 
 body { background-color: grey; } /* Style the body, not the HTML */ #on:focus { background: blue; color:yellow; } .blue { background-color:aliceblue; } /* This will be added when on is clicked */ /* Just for this example only */ img { width:100px; } 
 <button id="on" data-source='https://cdn.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/bulb_PNG1250.png' data-alt="On Image">Turn on the light</button> <button id="off" data-source='https://www.radioducoeur.com/liten/radioducoeur/light-bulb-png-home-design-ideas-4-lightbulb-498-x-498-liten.jpg' data-alt="Off Image">Turn off the light</button> <div> <!-- <img> elements must have an alt attribute to be valid --> <img id="myImage" src="https://www.radioducoeur.com/liten/radioducoeur/light-bulb-png-home-design-ideas-4-lightbulb-498-x-498-liten.jpg" class="mudar" alt="default image"> </div> 


    body {
        background: grey;

        function colorize(light) {
            if (light) {
                document.getElementById('myImage').src = '/img/393533_02.PNG';
                document.body.style.background = 'grey';
            else {
                document.getElementById('myImage').src = '/img/393533_01.PNG'
                document.body.style.background = 'blue';

    <div id="branca">
        <h1>LOI Lampen aanzetten en uitzetten</h1>
        <button id="azul" onclick="colorize(true)">Turn on the light</button>
        <img id="myImage" src="img/393533_01.PNG" class="mudar"/>
        <div id="yellow">
            <button onclick="colorize(false)">Turn off the light</button>



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