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提供API密钥,以避免来自Apps脚本中Maps Service的命中限制错误

[英]Supply API key to avoid Hit Limit error from Maps Service in Apps Script

我有一个Google表格,可以通过Maps Service获取两个纬度/经度之间的行驶距离。 下面的函数有效,但是矩阵是4,500个单元格,因此出现“命中限制”错误。



function drivingMeters(origin, destination) {
  if (origin=='' || destination==''){return ''}
  var directions = Maps.newDirectionFinder()
  return directions.routes[0].legs[0].distance.value ;


A1: =drivingMeters($E10,G$9)

Where E10 = 42.771328,-91.902281
  and G9  = 42.490390,-91.1626620


您的客户ID和签名密钥可以从Google Enterprise支持门户获取。 将这些值设置为null可返回使用默认配额限额。

我建议将这些值存储在PropertiesService并使用CacheService来提供快速访问。 使用这种方法,而不是在脚本项目的主体中编写它们,意味着如果您的脚本以库的形式发布,它们将不会被其他编辑器无意复制,推送到共享代码存储库或其他开发人员可见。

此外,我建议重写自定义函数以接受数组输入并返回适当的数组输出-这将有助于加快其执行速度。 Google在自定义功能页面上提供了一个示例: https : //developers.google.com/apps-script/guides/sheets/functions#optimization

使用道具/缓存的示例: 道具实例

function authenticateMaps_() {
  // Try to get values from cache:
  const cache = CacheService.getScriptCache();
  var props = cache.getAll(['mapsClientId', 'mapsSigningKey']);
  // If it wasn't there, read it from PropertiesService.
  if (!props || !props.mapsClientId || !props.mapsSigningKey) {
    const allProps = PropertiesService.getScriptProperties().getProperties();
    props = {
      'mapsClientId': allProps.mapsClientId,
      'mapsSigningKey': allProps.mapsSigningKey
    // Cache these values for faster access (max 6hrs)
    cache.putAll(props, 21600);
  // Apply these keys to the Maps Service. If they don't exist, this is the
  // same as being a default user (i.e. no paid quota).
  Maps.setAuthentication(props.mapsClientId, props.mapsSigningKey);
function deauthMaps_() {
  Maps.setAuthentication(null, null);

// Your called custom function. First tries without authentication,
// and then if an error occurs, assumes it was a quota limit error
// and retries. Other errors do exist (like no directions, etc)...
function DRIVINGMETERS(origin, dest) {
  if (!origin || !destination)
  try {
    return drivingMeters_(origin, dest);
  } catch (e) {
      message: "Error when computing directions: " + e.message,
      error: e
    // One of the possible errors is a quota limit, so authenticate and retry:
    // (Business code should handle other errors instead of simply assuming this :) )
    var result = drivingMeters_(origin, dest);
    return result;

// Your implementation function.
function drivingMeters_(origin, dest) {
  var directions = Maps.newDirectionFinder()


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