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作证模拟 function 返回 function

[英]Testify Mock a function return inside a function

我想模拟 function 的响应。 但是这个 function 位于或调用另一个 function 内部。 假设我有这个 function

// main.go
func TheFunction() int {
   // Some code
   val := ToMockResponse()
   return val

func ToMockResponse() int {
    return 123


// main_test.go
func TestTheFunction(t *testing.T) {
    mockInstance = new(randomMock)

    returned := TheFunction()
    assert.Equal(t, 456, returned)

正如您在 function TheFunction()中看到的那样,调用了 function ToMockResponse 现在我想测试TheFunction但我想模拟ToMockResponse的响应如何实现?


您可以选择几种方法。 您可以简单地将其作为参数传递。

func DoX(doY func()) {

这很简单,但随着核心变得越来越复杂,效果并不理想。 更好的选择通常是使函数方法在结构上。

type X struct {
   Y Y

type Y interface {

func (x *X) Do() {


假设我们有两个函数, executor()process() ,其中执行器 function 调用进程 function,



package main

import "fmt"

// A structure defined which will have a value of type processHandler(interface)
// This is helpful  to pass a structure instance of processData later(see in main function)
// This is required to pass mock instance also
type processDataHandler struct{ procData processHandler }

// Interface defined for process method
type processHandler interface {
    process() (int, string)

// structure on top of which executor method is getting called
type processData struct{}

// process method called by executor method
func (p processData) process() (int, string) {
    return 23, "test2"

// executor method which has "processDataHandler" as argument
func (e processDataHandler) executor() (int, string) {
    // Some code
    //process function call
    val, str_val := e.procData.process()
    if val == 23 {
        return 40, "success"
    return 45, str_val

func main() {
    procData := processData{}
    dataHandle := processDataHandler{procData: procData}
    val1, val2 := dataHandle.executor()





package main

import (


//Define a mock insatnce
type processDataMock struct {

func (m *processDataMock) process() (int, string) {
    // this records that the method was called and passes in the value
    // it was called with
    args := m.Called()
    // it then returns whatever we tell it to return
    // in this case we are returing a integer type followed by a string type
    return args.Int(0), args.String(1)

//Test function for executor method
func TestExecutor(t *testing.T) {
    //define mock instance
    procMock := new(processDataMock)
    //Make process function to return 1 and "test" via mock
    procMock.On("process").Return(1, "test")
    //create a processDatahandler with mock instance
    handler := processDataHandler{procData: procMock}
    //call executor function which inturn mocks process via "procMock.On" above
    a, b := handler.executor()

    assert.Equal(t, 45, a)
    assert.Equal(t, "test", b)



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