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[英]Concurrent request can not handle properly with mongoDB and nodeJs

我正在处理我的项目,该项目基于socket.io room。 我在socket中使用了nodejs并在mongoDB中管理房间数据。

当许多请求一次出现时会出现问题。 问题是超过2名玩家加入房间(房间玩家的数据存储在aPlayers Array中)。

我也上传了数据库的图像。 因此,您可以看到数据库中实际发生的情况。

const joinRoom = async (sData, callback) => {

if(sData.iPlayerId && sData.eRoomCount)
    try {

        let body = _.pick(sData, ['eRoomCount', 'iPlayerId']);


        await roomsModel.aggregate([
                $match: {
                    eRoomCount: body.eRoomCount,
                    IsGameOn: { $eq: false }
            { $unwind: "$aPlayers" },
                $group: {
                    _id: "$_id",
                    eRoomCount: { $first: "$eRoomCount" },
                    aPlayers: { $push: "$aPlayers" },
                    size: { $sum: 1 }
                $match: {
                    size: { '$lt': body.eRoomCount }
            { $sort: { size: -1 } }
        ]).exec((error, data) => {
            if (data.length < 1) {

                let params = {
                    eRoomCount: body.eRoomCount,
                    aPlayers: [{
                        iPlayerId: body.iPlayerId
                let newRoom = new roomsModel(params);
                newRoom.save().then((room) => {
                    console.log("succ", room);
                }).catch((e) => {
            } else {
                roomsModel.findOne({ _id: data[0]._id }, (error, room) => {

                    if (error) {

                    if (!room) {
                        console.log("No room found");
                        callback("No room found",null);

                    room.aPlayers.push({ iPlayerId: body.iPlayerId });
                    if (room.aPlayers.length === room.eRoomCount) {
                        room.IsGameOn = true;

                    room.save().then((room) => {
                    }).catch((e) => {


    } catch (e) {
        console.log(`Error :: ${e}`);
        let err = `Error :: ${e}`;

当请求逐个出现时会发生这种情况。 当请求逐个出现时会发生这种情况。

当许多请求一次出现时就会发生这种情况。 在此输入图像描述

正确的方法是使用findOneAndUpdatefindOneAndUpdate而不是findOne findOneAndUpdate操作是原子的。 如果您执行正确的查询,则可以使代码线程安全。

// This makes sure, that only rooms with one or no player gets selected.
query = {
    // Like before
    _id: data[0]._id,
    // This is a bit inelegant and can be improved (but would work fast)
    $or: {
        { aPlayers: { $size: 0 } },
        { aPlayers: { $size: 1 } }

// $addToSet only adds a value to a set if it not present.
// This prevents a user playing vs. him/herself
update = { $addToSet: { aPlayers: { iPlayerId: body.iPlayerId } } }

// This returns the updated document, not the old one
options = { new: true }

// Execute the query
// You can pass in a callback function
db.rooms.findOneAndUpdate(query, update, options, callback)

对于这个问题,您可以使用信号量模块,在您的情况下,Node Server在单个线程环境中访问并发请求,但OS执行多任务处理作业。 信号量模块将帮助你克服这个地狱。

  • npm i信号量(安装模块)
  • const sem = require('semaphore')(1); (要求并指定并发请求限制为1)
  • sem.take(函数()); (将您的功能包装在其中)
  • sem.leave(); (在处理完成后调用它,然后下一个请求将访问该函数)

     const joinRoom = (sData, callback) => { sem.take(function () { if (sData.iPlayerId && sData.eRoomCount) { try { let body = _.pick(sData, ['eRoomCount', 'iPlayerId']); roomsModel.aggregate([ { $match: { eRoomCount: body.eRoomCount, IsGameOn: { $eq: false } } }, { $unwind: "$aPlayers" }, { $group: { _id: "$_id", eRoomCount: { $first: "$eRoomCount" }, aPlayers: { $push: "$aPlayers" }, size: { $sum: 1 } } }, { $match: { size: { '$lt': body.eRoomCount } } }, { $sort: { size: -1 } } ]).exec((error, data) => { if (data.length < 1) { let params = { eRoomCount: body.eRoomCount, aPlayers: [{ iPlayerId: body.iPlayerId }] } let newRoom = new roomsModel(params); console.log(JSON.stringify(newRoom)); newRoom.save().then((room) => { console.log("succ", room); sem.leave(); callback(null, room); }).catch((e) => { sem.leave(); callback(e, null); }); } else { roomsModel.findOne({ _id: data[0]._id }, (error, room) => { if (error) { sem.leave(); callback(error, null); } if (!room) { console.log("No room found"); sem.leave(); callback("No room found", null); } room.aPlayers.push({ iPlayerId: body.iPlayerId }); if (room.aPlayers.length === room.eRoomCount) { room.IsGameOn = true; } room.save().then((room) => { sem.leave(); callback(null, room); }).catch((e) => { sem.leave(); callback(e, null); }); }); } }); } catch (e) { console.log(`Error :: ${e}`); let err = `Error :: ${e}`; callback(e, null); } } }); } 


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