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[英]I'm trying to change a CSS element with Javascript but it's not working

因此,我尝试使用javascript更改网站的背景颜色。 我希望它在特定时间改变。 但这似乎不起作用。 我已经运行了每种组合,但是bg颜色始终保持CSS中描述的默认颜色。

JS代码似乎添加了新的代码行,而不是修改CSS。 我怎么知道计算机将首先读取代码的哪一部分? 是CSS优先还是内联代码/ HTML优先? TIA

 var now = new Date(); var hours = now.getHours(); //Keep in code - Written by Computerhope.com //Place this script in your HTML heading section document.write('It\\'s now: ', hours, '<br><br>'); document.bgColor = "White"; //5am-7am morning if (hours > 5 && hours < 7) { document.write('<body style="background-color: #FFF95D">'); } //7am-12pm noon else if (hours > 7 && hours < 12) { document.write('<body style="background-color: #B3E5FC">'); } //12pm-4pm afternoon else if (hours > 12 && hours < 16) { document.write('<body style="background-color: #7E57C2">'); } //4pm-7pm evening else if (hours > 16 && hours < 19) { document.write('<body style="background-color: #EF5444">'); } //7pm-10pm Night else if (hours > 19 && hours < 22) { document.write('<body style="background-color: #424242">'); } //1opm-5am Nighting else if (hours > 22 && hours < 7) { document.write('<body style="background-color: #000000">'); } 
  body { display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; overflow: hidden; max-width: 100%; height: 100%; color: #455A64; font-family: var(--fontFamily); font-size: var(--fontSizeMd); line-height: var(--lineHeightMd); 

document.write()基本上会将新行代码添加到文档中,这就是html本身。 这里的目的是仅更改主体的背景颜色属性。 您可以使用例如:

document.body.style.backgroundColor = "red";

1)当您使用document.write() ,HTML文档已完全加载,将删除所有现有的HTML,因此请使用document.body.style.background更改正文的颜色。


3)将else if (hours > 22 && hours < 7) {else {行更改为else {因为不存在大于22且小于7的数字。

var el = document.getElementById('time');

    var now = new Date();
    var hours = now.getHours();
    el.innerHTML = ('It\'s now: ' + hours + '<br><br>');
    //5am-7am morning
    if (hours > 5 && hours <= 7) { document.body.style.background ='#FFF95D'; }
    //7am-12pm noon
    else if (hours > 7 && hours <= 12) { document.body.style.background ='#B3E5FC'; }
    //12pm-4pm afternoon
    else if (hours > 12 && hours <= 16) { document.body.style.background = "#7E57C2"; }
    //4pm-7pm evening
    else if (hours > 16 && hours <= 19) { document.body.style.background = "#EF5444"; }
    //7pm-10pm Night
    else if (hours > 19 && hours <= 22) { document.body.style.background = "#424242"; }
    //1opm-5am Nighting
    else  { document.body.style.background = "#000000"; }

 var el = document.getElementById('time'); (function(){ setInterval(function(){ var now = new Date(); var hours = now.getHours(); el.innerHTML = ('It\\'s now: ' + hours + '<br><br>'); //5am-7am morning if (hours > 5 && hours <= 7) { document.body.style.background ='#FFF95D'; } //7am-12pm noon else if (hours > 7 && hours <= 12) { document.body.style.background ='#B3E5FC'; } //12pm-4pm afternoon else if (hours > 12 && hours <= 16) { document.body.style.background = "#7E57C2"; } //4pm-7pm evening else if (hours > 16 && hours <= 19) { document.body.style.background = "#EF5444"; } //7pm-10pm Night else if (hours > 19 && hours <= 22) { document.body.style.background = "#424242"; } //1opm-5am Nighting else { document.body.style.background = "#000000"; } },1000); })(); 
 body { display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; overflow: hidden; max-width: 100%; height: 100%; color: #455A64; font-family: var(--fontFamily); font-size: var(--fontSizeMd); line-height: var(--lineHeightMd); } 
 <span id="time"></span> 

您可以这样使用switch而不是else if

var el = document.getElementById('time');


    var now = new Date();
    var hours = now.getHours();
    el.innerHTML = ('It\'s now: ' + hours + '<br><br>');

    switch(true) {
        case (hours > 5 && hours <= 7):
          document.body.style.background ='#FFF95D';
        case (hours > 7 && hours <= 12):
          document.body.style.background ='#B3E5FC';
        case (hours > 12 && hours <= 16):
          document.body.style.background = "#7E57C2";
        case (hours > 16 && hours <= 19):
          document.body.style.background = "#EF5444";
        case (hours > 19 && hours <= 22):
          document.body.style.background = "#424242";
          document.body.style.background = "#000000";







document.body.style.backgroundColor = "some_color";


当您在javascript中提供样式以覆盖之前指定的背景色时,请使用!important属性。 示例:style ='background-color:#fff!important'





 var now = new Date(); var hours = now.getHours(); //Keep in code - Written by Computerhope.com //Place this script in your HTML heading section document.write('It\\'s now: ', hours, '<br><br>'); document.bgColor = 'white'; //5am-7am morning if (hours > 5 && hours < 7) { document.body.style.backgroundColor = '#FFF95D'; } //7am-12pm noon else if (hours > 7 && hours < 12) { document.body.style.backgroundColor = '#B3E5FC'; } //12pm-4pm afternoon else if (hours > 12 && hours < 16) { document.body.style.backgroundColor = '#7E57C2'; } //4pm-7pm evening else if (hours > 16 && hours < 19) { document.body.style.backgroundColor = '#EF5444'; } //7pm-10pm Night else if (hours > 19 && hours < 22) { document.body.style.backgroundColor = '#424242'; } //1opm-5am Nighting else if (hours > 22 && hours < 7) { document.body.style.backgroundColor = '#000000'; } 
 body { display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; overflow: hidden; max-width: 100%; height: 100%; color: #455A64; font-family: var(--fontFamily); font-size: var(--fontSizeMd); line-height: var(--lineHeightMd); } 

您正在尝试在其边界时间运行此代码。 例如,在12点时,这两个条件都不满足,即(hours <12)和(hours> 12),因此将“ <=”代替<


 <script type="text/javascript">
        var now = new Date();
        var hours = now.getHours();

        //Keep in code - Written by Computerhope.com
        //Place this script in your HTML heading section

        document.write('It\'s now: ', hours, '<br><br>');
        document.bgColor = "White";

        //5am-7am morning
        if (hours > 5 && hours <= 7) {
          document.write('<body style="background-color: #FFF95D">');
        //7am-12pm noon
        else if (hours > 7 && hours <= 12) {
          document.write('<body style="background-color: #B3E5FC">');
        //12pm-4pm afternoon
        else if (hours > 12 && hours <= 16) {
          document.write('<body style="background-color: #7E57C2">');
        //4pm-7pm evening
        else if (hours > 16 && hours <= 19) {
          document.write('<body style="background-color: #EF5444">');
        //7pm-10pm Night
        else if (hours > 19 && hours <= 22) {
          document.write('<body style="background-color: #424242">');
        //1opm-5am Nighting
        else if (hours > 22) {
          document.write('<body style="background-color: #000000">');


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