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renderModuleFactory中的Angular 6访问依赖注入器

[英]Angular 6 Access Dependency Injector in renderModuleFactory


实际上,我需要在main.server文件中为SSR返回正确的http状态代码。 使用ASP.net,我们无法访问Response对象,因为在NodeJ的情况下我们可以使用它。

也请看看ASP.Net Core 2.1 Angular SSR / Universal返回Http Status Code 404以了解上下文。

我现在通过执行以下操作解决了此问题。 这个问题已经快一年了,但这也许还是有帮助的。

export { AppServerModule } from './server/app-server.module';

// Add this line so that you can provide this token in your aspnet-rendering script as shown below.
// The reason we have to export the service here is so you can get access to the same copy used by the Angular code.
export { StatusCodeService as StatusCodeServiceToken } from './server/services/http-response.service';
const { AppServerModule, AppServerModuleNgFactory, LAZY_MODULE_MAP, StatusCodeServiceToken } = require('./../server/main.js');

export default createServerRenderer(async params => {
  // Instantiate your service manually.
  const statusCodeService = new StatusCodeService();

  const options = {
    url: params.url,
    extraProviders: [
      // Provide your instance as a value provider.
      { provide: StatusCodeServiceToken, useValue: statusCodeService }

  const html = AppServerModuleNgFactory
    ? await renderModuleFactory(AppServerModuleNgFactory, options)
    : await renderModule(AppServerModule, options);

  return {
    // Then you can retrieve the value because you have the instance.
    statusCode: statusCodeService.statusCode


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