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[英]ip4 packet assembled as ip6 - libnet

我编写了一个C程序,该程序从链路层开始创建一个TCP / IPv4数据包。 该程序的目标是使用开放套接字(原始端口或仅是流套接字)接收单个数据包。 该数据包包括一个以太网头,一个tcp头和ipv4:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <libnet.h>
#include <time.h>

uint8_t *randmac();    //creates my random source-mac, shady I know but I got 
                       //tired of typing in the same input over and over
void gateway();        //gets my standart gateway i.e. the router (as far as 
                       //I understand the ethernet layer is for the router 
                       //and tcp and ip for the rest of the net.)

int main() {
uint32_t src, dst, seq, ack;
char payload[1024], destip[16];
uint16_t sp = 2001, dp = 2000;
libnet_ptag_t tcp;
libnet_ptag_t ip4;
libnet_ptag_t eth;
char errbuf[LIBNET_ERRBUF_SIZE];
int i, bytes;
uint8_t *dstmc;     //destination mac address (router)
uint8_t *smc;       //source mac address
int  len;
libnet_t * l;

l = libnet_init(LIBNET_LINK, NULL, errbuf);
if(l == NULL)

//getting the destination ip-address, works all right...

//payload is fine too

smc = malloc(6);
gatemac = malloc(6);

src = libnet_get_prand(LIBNET_PRu32);
seq = 0;
ack = libnet_get_prand(LIBNET_PRu32);
dst = libnet_name2addr4(l, destip, LIBNET_DONT_RESOLVE);
smc = randmac();

//getting the rest of the required addresses etc, works as well...

tcp = libnet_build_tcp(sp, dp, seq, ack, TH_SYN, 0, 0, 0, LIBNET_TCP_H + 
sizeof(payload),(uint8_t *) payload, sizeof(payload), l, 0);
if(tcp == -1)
printf("(1)unable because: %s\n", libnet_geterror(l));

ip4 = libnet_build_ipv4(LIBNET_TCP_H + LIBNET_IPV4_H + sizeof(payload), 
IPPROTO_TCP, 1, 1024, 60, 0, 0, src, dst, NULL, 0, l, 0);   //or (uint8_t) 
if(ip4 == -1)
printf("(2)unable because: %s\n", libnet_geterror(l));

eth = libnet_build_ethernet(gatemac, smc, ETHERTYPE_IP, NULL, 0, l, 0);
if(eth == -1)
printf("(3) unable because: %s\n", libnet_geterror(l));

bytes = libnet_write(l);

//error handling


程序本身可以正常工作,没有错误,数据包被写入等等。 但有趣的是:我无法通过任何原始或ipv4套接字接收它们。 因此,我打开了tcpdump,以查看数据包是否甚至都已发送,结果如下:

 13:43:24.003324 IP > hopopt
 13:43:27.007860 IP > hopopt

 //Random source address, I also sent multiple packets to eliminate the 
 //chances of missing them.
 //There is also no doubt that these are truly my programmed packets due to 
 //their number and random addresses.

我进行了一些研究,发现“ hopopt”代表ipv6使用的逐跳扩展头。 为什么当我清楚地使用libnet_build_ipv4()函数时会发生这种情况。 仍然有一种方法可以正确接收这些单个数据包,或者只是使其变为普通的ipv4?


ip4 = libnet_build_ipv4(LIBNET_TCP_H + LIBNET_IPV4_H + sizeof(payload), 



libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_ipv4 (u_int16_t len,
u_int8_t tos, u_int16_t id, u_int16_t frag,
u_int8_t ttl, u_int8_t prot, u_int16_t sum,
u_int32_t src, u_int32_t dst, u_int8_t * payload,
u_int32_t payload_s, libnet_t * l, libnet_ptag_t ptag);

因此,您的第六个参数(prot)为0 ,与您在tcpdump中观察到的逐跳选项(hopopt)完全对应。


ip4 = libnet_build_ipv4(LIBNET_TCP_H + LIBNET_IPV4_H + sizeof(payload), //len
                        0,           // tos
                        1234,        // some id
                        0,           // No fragment
                        0x40,        // Standard TTL (64)
                        IPPROTO_TCP, // Next protocol goes here
                        0,           // Checksum, auto-filled?
                        src,         // IP source address
                        dst,         // IP destination address
                        NULL,        // payload
                        0,           // payload length
                        l,           // libnet handle
                        0            // ptag

如果您固定参数的顺序,它应该可以正常工作! 另请参见libnet 教程


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