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[英]Javascript object literal return function as key not working

我有一个接收两个参数并返回Object文字的函数,但是键也是函数( toaster.pop ):

    _self.popCategoryResponse = (msg, param) => ({
        'SAME_CATEGORY_NAME': toaster.pop({
            type: 'error',
            title: 'Ops!',
            body: $translate.instant('categorynameexistsin',
                {name: param.name}),
            bodyOutputType: 'trustHtml'

        'SAME_ROOT_CATEGORY_NAME': toaster.pop({
            type: 'error',
            title: 'Ops!',
            body: $translate.instant('categorynameexistsinroot'),
            bodyOutputType: 'trustHtml'

        'BLANK_CATEGORY_NAME': toaster.pop({
            type: 'error',
            title: 'Ops!',
            body: $translate.instant('categorynameisblank'),
            bodyOutputType: 'trustHtml'

        'NEW_CATEGORY_CREATED': toaster.pop({
            type: 'success',
            title: 'Ok!',
            body: $translate.instant('categorycreated',
                {name: param.name}),
            bodyOutputType: 'trustHtml'

        'CATEGORY_REMOVED': toaster.pop({
            type: 'success',
            title: 'Ok!',
            body: $translate.instant('categoryremoved',
                {name: param.name}),
            bodyOutputType: 'trustHtml'


  1. 现在,我使用_self.popCategoryResponse('BLANK_CATEGORY_NAME', node)调用此函数,但它不仅为键'BLANK_CATEGORY_NAME'调用该函数,还为其他键调用该函数。

  2. 有时我不使用param参数,正如您在某些键中看到的那样,所以调用我的函数有点像_self.popCategoryResponse('BLANK_CATEGORY_NAME', null)吗?

这里的误解似乎是您对象的键指向在访问时评估的函数 不是这种情况。 每次调用popCategoryResponse ,您都在创建一个对象,其键是 toaster.pop(...) 求值的结果


 const toaster = [1,2,3,4,5] // you expect to 'pop' once // when in fact, it 'pop's three times const fn = key => ({ a: toaster.pop(), b: toaster.pop(), c: toaster.pop() })[key] fn('a') console.log(toaster) // -> [1, 2] fn() console.log(toaster) // -> [] 


 const toaster = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] // now the keys are functions which you can invoke to pop only once const fn = key => { const value = { a: () => toaster.pop(), b: () => toaster.pop(), c: () => toaster.pop() }[key] if (typeof value === 'function') { value() } } fn('a') console.log(toaster) // -> [1, 2, 3, 4] fn() console.log(toaster) // -> [1, 2, 3, 4] 

虽然我建议您考虑使用另一种方法,如果您有一个函数将超出范围的变量( toaster )进行突变。 至少考虑将其传递给popCategoryResponse以实现可测试性。


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