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如何在 Ag-Grid 中隐藏单元格渲染组件中的按钮?

[英]How do I hide a button from cell rendered component in Ag-Grid?

我在 mcomponent 中有一个按钮列表,用于在网格中显示它以在网格上执行操作。 我需要隐藏它们。


let cols = [{
    field: '',
    headerName: 'Actions',
    width: 250,
    colId: 'params',
    cellRendererFramework: 'gridEditButtons'

这是我的网格的第一列,然后我在这个逻辑中连接其余的列。 所以,我可以隐藏列,但是如果 cellRendererFramework: 'gridEditButtons' 有 5 个按钮,我想隐藏下图中黑框中的 2 列。


GridEditbuttons.Vue 的 HTML 代码

<!-- Approve Button -->
<!-- <v-tooltip bottom>
<v-btn fab small style="height: 23px; width:23px; margin-top: 0px;"
    color="primary" slot="activator"
</v-tooltip> -->
<!-- Release Button -->
<!-- <v-tooltip bottom>
<v-btn fab small style="height: 23px; width:23px; margin-top: 0px;"
    color="primary" slot="activator"
</v-tooltip> -->
<!-- Edit Button -->
<v-tooltip bottom>
<v-btn fab small style="height: 23px; width:23px; margin-top: 0px;"
    color="primary" slot="activator"
<!-- Delete Button -->
<v-tooltip bottom>
<v-btn xs4 fab small style="height: 23px; width:23px; margin-top: 0px;"
    color="primary" slot="activator"
<!-- View Button -->
<!-- calls to function viewRow in this file when clicked on-->
<v-tooltip bottom>
<v-btn xs4 fab small style="height: 23px; width:23px; margin-top: 0px;"
    color="primary" slot="activator"

GridEditButtons.Vue 中的脚本

import Vue from 'vue';

export default Vue.extend({
data () {
return {
  dialogDelete: false,
  execStatusDialog: false
methods: {
deleteRow () {
  // pass the id and collection name to delete here
  let rowObj = this.params.api.getRowNode(this.params.rowIndex);
  if (!rowObj || !rowObj.data) {
    return this.params.context.vm.alert('error', '', 'Unable to identify the selected record.');
  this.dialogDelete = !this.dialogDelete;
  // Executes when the edit button in the grid is clicked
  editRow (event) {
  let rowObj = this.params.api.getRowNode(this.params.rowIndex);
  // Checks to see if a row is selected or if the selected row has data
  if (!rowObj || !rowObj.data) {
    // If it doesn't then an error is thrown
    return this.params.context.vm.alert('error', '', 'Unable to identify the selected record.');
  // calls the tableEditBtnClicked method in the Brightspot file
// Executes when the view button in the grid is clicked
viewRow (event) {
  // Gets the selected row
  let rowObj = this.params.api.getRowNode(this.params.rowIndex);
  // Checks to see if a row is selected or if the selected row has data
  if (!rowObj || !rowObj.data) {
    // If it doesn't then throw an error
    return this.params.context.vm.alert(
      'Unable to identify the selected record.'
  // Calls the tableViewBtnClicked method in Brightspot file
approveRow (event) {
  alert('Approved!'); // chunk of code
releaseRow (event) {
  alert('Released!'); // chunk of code

为什么不使用 Vue 的v-show 或 v-if 此示例显示隐藏“批准”图标。


<v-tooltip bottom>
  <v-btn v-show="showApproveIcon" fab small style="height: 23px; width:23px; margin-top: 0px;"
    color="primary" slot="activator"


data () {
  return {
    dialogDelete: false,
    execStatusDialog: false,
    showApproveIcon: false,


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