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[英]Haskell | Could not deduce from context

我有这个不编译的代码。 我想明白为什么它不能推断出类型。

module Main where

data Combiner a = Combiner a (a -> Int)
comb = Combiner 3 (\x -> 5)

class HasValue a where
  getValue :: Int

instance HasValue Combiner where
  getValue (Combiner x f) = f x

main = print $ getValue comb


main.hs:8:3: error:
• Could not deduce (HasValue a0)
  from the context: HasValue a
    bound by the type signature for:
               getValue :: HasValue a => Int
    at main.hs:8:3-17
  The type variable ‘a0’ is ambiguous
• In the ambiguity check for ‘getValue’
  To defer the ambiguity check to use sites, enable AllowAmbiguousTypes
  When checking the class method:
    getValue :: forall a. HasValue a => Int
  In the class declaration for ‘HasValue’

鉴于我理解正确,您getValue定义了错误的签名 现在定义:

class HasValue a where
  getValue :: Int

这意味着可以有不同版本的getValue ,但由于这些都返回Int ,因此完全不可能知道我们要选择哪个instance


class HasValue a where
  getValue :: a -> Int

现在Haskell可以从函数应用程序的参数类型派生出a 此外,这也与instance HasValue中的函数体匹配。

此外, Combiner 不是 单一型 ,因此我们需要在头部添加类型参数:

instance HasValue (Combiner a) where
  getValue (Combiner x f) = f x


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