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[英]C# Pack 5 integers into 1


static UInt64 Combine(uint a, uint b, uint c, uint d, uint e)
        return (a << 48) | (b << 32 ) | (c << 16) | (d << 8) | e;

但是,我无法将号码拆开。 谁能指导我做错了什么? 谢谢。

为了打包值0..999 ,您需要10位,而不是8位。 十个将为您提供值0..1023而八个将仅为您提供0..255


static UInt64 Combine(
    uint a, uint b, uint c, uint d, uint e
) {
    UInt64 retval = a;
    retval = (retval << 10) | b;
    retval = (retval << 10) | c;
    retval = (retval << 10) | d;
    retval = (retval << 10) | e;
    return retval;


static void Extract(UInt64 val, out uint a, out uint b,
    out uint c, out uint d, out uint e
) {
    e = Convert.ToUInt32(val & 0x3ff); val = val >> 10;
    d = Convert.ToUInt32(val & 0x3ff); val = val >> 10;
    c = Convert.ToUInt32(val & 0x3ff); val = val >> 10;
    b = Convert.ToUInt32(val & 0x3ff); val = val >> 10;
    a = Convert.ToUInt32(val & 0x3ff);

另一种存储数字的方式。 有点不同。 但是,我想我会把它呈现给您。 基本上,我们只是在模仿“联盟”:

using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace Unions
    public partial class Form1 : Form
        struct uShortArray
            public ushort Bytes01;
            public ushort Bytes23;
            public ushort Bytes45;
            public ushort Bytes67;

            public long long1;
        public Form1()

        private void Form1_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            uShortArray ua = default(uShortArray);
            ua.Bytes01 = 999;
            ua.Bytes23 = 164;
            ua.Bytes45 = 581;
            ua.Bytes67 = 43;

            MessageBox.Show($"ua = [Bytes 0 - 1 : {ua.Bytes01}] ... [Byte 2 - 3 : {ua.Bytes23}] ... [Bytes 4 - 5 : {ua.Bytes45}] ... [Bytes 6 - 7 : {ua.Bytes67}] ... [long1 : {ua.long1}]");

            uShortArray ua2 = default(uShortArray);

            Combine(out ua2, 543, 657, 23, 999);

            MessageBox.Show($"ua2 = [Bytes 0 - 1 : {ua2.Bytes01}] ... [Byte 2 - 3 : {ua2.Bytes23}] ... [Bytes 4 - 5 : {ua2.Bytes45}] ... [Bytes 6 - 7 : {ua2.Bytes67}] ... [long1 : {ua2.long1}]");

            uShortArray ua3 = default(uShortArray);
            ua3.long1 = ua.long1;  //As you can see, you don't need an extract.  You just assign the "extract" value to long1.

            MessageBox.Show($"ua3 = [Bytes 0 - 1 : {ua3.Bytes01}] ... [Byte 2 - 3 : {ua3.Bytes23}] ... [Bytes 4 - 5 : {ua3.Bytes45}] ... [Bytes 6 - 7 : {ua3.Bytes67}] ... [long1 : {ua3.long1}]");

        private void Combine(out uShortArray inUA, ushort in1, ushort in2, ushort in3, ushort in4)
            inUA = default(uShortArray);

            inUA.Bytes01 = in1;
            inUA.Bytes23 = in2;
            inUA.Bytes45 = in3;
            inUA.Bytes67 = in4;

该结构仅存储4个值。 但是,您可以使用更大的类型(而不是长型)来容纳更多数字。


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