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自动填充一个单元格 VBA Excel

[英]Autofill One Cell VBA Excel

我正在尝试自动填充活动行右侧的一列,但遇到了问题。 例如,I5 中有一个方程,我想要一个宏来自动填充 J5 并且只填充 J5。



我从您有限的数据中推断出您需要以下解决方案。 (如果您需要更多功能,请回复详细信息。)

Public Sub FormulaPopulation()

Dim rng1 As Range
Dim rng2 As Range

Set rng1 = Sheet1.Range("J2")   ' Have assumed over here that the formula that you need autofilled is in "J2" which is an unrelated cell
Set rng2 = Sheet1.Range("J5")   ' Then since you only need this cell filled we take this cell.

rng2.Formula = rng1.Formula     ' Finally it is formula matched, rather than Autofilling. Much faster than autofill.

End Sub


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