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[英]How can I use typescript generics for dynamic function arguments

我正在尝试围绕节点的gRPC绑定创建包装方法。 我想在WrapperClient上创建一个称为rpc的方法,该方法在基础GrpcClient类上调用一个方法,同时还要对方法请求参数进行类型检查。


type ReqA = { type: 'a' }
type ReqB = { type: 'b' }

class GrpcClient {
    findA(request: ReqA) { };
    findB(request: ReqB) { };

class WrapperClient {
    rpc<GrpcClient, TMethod extends keyof GrpcClient>(client: GrpcClient, method: TMethod, req: any) {

const grpcClient = new GrpcClient()
const client = new WrapperClient()

// This works

grpcClient.findA({ type: 'a' }) // correct
grpcClient.findB({ type: 'b' }) // correct

// This doesn't.
// It Matches the method name. That's good.
// But it does not check the request type.

client.rpc(grpcClient, 'findA', 1) // should fail
client.rpc(grpcClient, 'findB', 1) // should fail
client.rpc(grpcClient, 'findC', 1) // double fail, the method check works though

我可以使用泛型表达式的extends keyof对方法名称进行类型检查。 我无法输入检查请求参数。


    rpc<GrpcClient, TMethod extends keyof GrpcClient>(client: GrpcClient, method: TMethod, req: ReqA | ReqB) {




type ReqA = { type: 'a' }
type ReqB = { type: 'b' }

class PeopleServiceClient {
    findA(request: ReqA) { };
    findB(request: ReqB) { };

class WrapperClient {
    rpc<PeopleServiceClient, TMethod extends keyof PeopleServiceClient>(
        client: PeopleServiceClient, method: TMethod,
        req: PeopleServiceClient[TMethod] extends (arg: infer T) => void ? T : never) {

const grpcClient = new PeopleServiceClient()
const client = new WrapperClient()

grpcClient.findA({ type: 'a' }) // correct
grpcClient.findB({ type: 'b' }) // correct

client.rpc(grpcClient, 'findA', {type: 'a'}) // correct
client.rpc(grpcClient, 'findA', {type: 'b'}) // fails
client.rpc(grpcClient, 'findA', 1) // fails
client.rpc(grpcClient, 'findB', 1) // fails
client.rpc(grpcClient, 'findC', 1) // fails


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