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[英]Computed Properties and Entity Framework



public abstract class Subject : IValidatableObject
    public abstract string FullName { get; }

    public abstract SubjectType SubjectType { get; }

    public string FiscalIdentifier => String.IsNullOrEmpty(VatNumber) ? FiscalCode : VatNumber;

public partial class Person : Subject
    public override string FullName => FirstName + " " + LastName;

    public override SubjectType SubjectType => SubjectType.Person;

    public string FirstName { get; set; }

    public string LastName { get; set; }

public partial class Corporation : Subject
    public override string FullName => Name;

    public override SubjectType SubjectType => SubjectType.Corporation;

    public string Name { get; set; }


 IQuerable<Subject> result = GetList()
   .OrderBy(s => s.FullName)



DelegateDecompiler :“无法将类型'OneData.DataModel.Subject'强制转换为类型'OneData.DataModel.Person'。 LINQ to Entities仅支持强制转换EDM基本类型或枚举类型。

public abstract class Subject : IValidatableObject
    public abstract string FullName { get; }

    public abstract SubjectType SubjectType { get; }

    public string FiscalIdentifier => String.IsNullOrEmpty(VatNumber) ? FiscalCode : VatNumber;

 IQuerable<Subject> result = GetList()
   .OrderBy(s => s.FullName)

Linq.Translations :已经添加了具有相同键的项目。

public partial class Person : Subject
    private static readonly CompiledExpression<Person, string> FullNameExpression
        = DefaultTranslationOf<Person>.Property(e => e.FullName).Is(e => e.FirstName + " " + e.LastName);

    public override string FullName => FullNameExpression.Evaluate(this);

public partial class Corporation : Subject
    private static readonly CompiledExpression<Corporation, string> FullNameExpression
        = DefaultTranslationOf<Corporation>.Property(e => e.FullName).Is(e => e.Name);

    public override string FullName => FullNameExpression.Evaluate(this);



通常,最好的方法是有一个单独的DTO类,仅用于与数据库通信,这些类将仅具有要保留在数据库中的属性。 在您的业务逻辑中,您使用不同的类。 这似乎是重复的,但会使您的代码更加灵活和可维护。

// Use for database
public class PersonDto
    public string FirstName { get; set; }

    public string LastName { get; set; }

// Use in business logic 
public partial class Person : Subject
    public override string FullName => FirstName + " " + LastName;

    public override SubjectType SubjectType => SubjectType.Person;

    public string FirstName { get; set; }

    public string LastName { get; set; }


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