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[英]simple javascript addition, where am I going wrong?

我正在尝试使其与用户输入的两个数字相加,并将其打印在p标签内。 任何帮助将非常感激。 这是代码:

<meta charset="UTF-8" name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
    <h2>Enter in the values you want to add</h2>
        <input id="num1" name="num1" type="number"> //value one
        <input id="num2" name="num2" type="number"> //value two
        <button id="calculate">Calculate</button> //Click to calculate
    <p id="p">The answer will show here</p>
        var p1=document.getElementById("p");
        var p=p1.innerHTML;
        var calc=document.getElementById("calculate");
        calc.addEventListener("click", answer); //When the button is clicked it calls the function answer()
        function answer() {
            var num1=document.getElementById("num1");
            var num2=document.getElementById("num2");
            var x=num1.innerHTML;
            var y=num2.innerHTML;
            p=x+y; //print the sum of the two values, inside of the p tag

p = p1.innerHTML



p = x+y



p1.innerHTML = (x + y) + '';   // + '' converts the result of x + y to a string

您还应该使用“ .value”而不是“ .innerHTML”来获取输入的内容,然后在添加它们之前使用parseInt()将它们转换为数字。


var p1=document.getElementById("p");  // Stores a reference to an element with id "p" to variable p1
var p=p1.innerHTML;  // Retrieves the HTML contents of said attribute and assigns it to variable p (not needed)
var calc=document.getElementById("calculate");  // Stores a reference to an element with id "calc" (your button) to variable calc
calc.addEventListener("click", answer);  // Attaches an event handler to the element referenced via variable calc
function answer()
  var num1=document.getElementById("num1");  // Stores a reference to an element with id "num1" in variable num1
  var num2=document.getElementById("num2");  // Stores a reference to an element with id "num2" in variable num2
  var x=num1.innerHTML;  // Retrieves the HTML contents of the element referenced by num1 and stores it in variable x (error)
  var y=num2.innerHTML;  // Retrieves the HTML contents of the element referenced by num2 and stores it in variable y (error)
  p=x+y;  // Since both x and y are strings, they are concatenated and the result is stored in variable p (produces wrong result)
// Missing assignment of result to output element

问题:您没有一条将结果实际分配给标识为ID“ p”的段落的语句,而是要修改变量。
此外,由于您是从输入字段中检索字符串,因此添加实际上是串联,产生错误的结果(访问实际值需要num1.valuenum2.value )。 我还建议将事物转换为整数parseInt可以解决问题。

有很多问题。 您无法复制ap的innerHTML,然后为其分配值。 您必须将输入值转换为整数才能相加。 使用输入,您可以要求其“值”,而不是innerHTML。

<meta charset="UTF-8" name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
    <h2>Enter in the values you want to add</h2>
        <input id="num1" name="num1" type="number"> //value one
        <input id="num2" name="num2" type="number"> //value two
        <button id="calculate">Calculate</button> //Click to calculate
    <p id="p">The answer will show here</p>
        var p1=document.getElementById("p");
        var calc=document.getElementById("calculate");
        calc.addEventListener("click", answer); //When the button is clicked it calls the function answer()
        function answer(e) {
            var num1=document.getElementById("num1");
            var num2=document.getElementById("num2");
            var x=parseInt(num1.value, 10);
            var y=parseInt(num2.value, 10);
            p1.innerHTML = x+y; //print the sum of the two values, inside of the p tag


  • 默认情况下<button>type="submit" ,当按下<button>时会刷新整个页面,而不是预期的行为。 要修复它,只需要添加type="button" ,就可以使其表现得像一个按钮,它本身什么也不做。

  • p=x+y的结果 ,您什么都不做。 p只是一个包含操作结果的变量,但是您需要将其插入<p>标记内以使其显示。 在您的answer()函数末尾添加此代码可以解决此问题: p1.innerHTML = p;

  • <input> ,这些存储在value属性中,而不是innerHTML 因此它应该看起来像这样var x=num1.value; var y=num2.value;

  • “求和”,在JavaScript中的+运营商既可以采用添加数值,并连接字符串,以及发动机选择做您所使用的值的类型猜测,你的情况是什么strings 因为即使在输入中键入1 ,以后使用.values检索它.values将它作为字符串返回。 您必须将其强制转换为数字才能获得所需的结果。 只需执行此操作即可var x=Number(num1.value); var y=Number(num2.value);



 <html> <!DOCTYPE HTML> <meta charset="UTF-8" name="viewport" content="width=device-width"> <head> <title>Calculator</title> </head> <body> <h2>Enter in the values you want to add</h2> <form> <input id="num1" name="num1" type="number"> //value one </br> <input id="num2" name="num2" type="number"> //value two <button type="button" id="calculate">Calculate</button> //Click to calculate </form> <p id="p">The answer will show here</p> <script> var p1=document.getElementById("p"); var p=p1.innerHTML; var calc=document.getElementById("calculate"); calc.addEventListener("click", answer); //When the button is clicked it calls the function answer() function answer() { var num1=document.getElementById("num1"); var num2=document.getElementById("num2"); var x=Number(num1.value); var y=Number(num2.value); p=x+y; //print the sum of the two values, inside of the p tag p1.innerHTML = p; } </script> </body> 



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