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[英]vba open the most recent file in a folder

文件夹中有一些exel文件。 目的是搜索日期最高的文件(格式:Fundings“&Format(LMD,” DDMMYY“)&” .xls)并打开它。 例如,文件名是Fundings 270818,Findings 110618,而最新的名称是第一个。 下面的代码遇到错误,即“ MyFile = Dir(MyPath,vbNormal)”为空。

 Dim MyPath  As String
 Dim MyFile  As String
 Dim LatestFile  As String
 Dim LatestDate  As Date
 Dim LMD  As Date

 LMD = Date

 'Specify the path to the folder
 MyPath = "C:\Users\topal\Desktop\Spreaddeterminierung\Fundings " & Format(LMD, "DDMMYY") & ".xls"

 'Get the first Excel file from the folder
 MyFile = Dir(MyPath, vbNormal)

 'If no files were found, exit the sub
 If Len(MyFile) = 0 Then
     MsgBox "No Sir", vbExclamation
     Exit Sub
 End If

 'Loop through each Excel file in the folder
 Do While Len(MyFile) > 0

     'Assign the date/time of the current file to a variable
     LMD = Date

     'If the date/time of the current file is greater than the latest
     'recorded date, assign its filename and date/time to variables
     If LMD > LatestDate Then
         LatestFile = MyFile
         LatestDate = LMD
     End If

     'Get the next Excel file from the folder
     MyFile = Dir


 'Open the latest file
 Workbooks.Open MyPath

 End Sub

您可以循环播放文件夹并提取字符串的日期部分,并存储最大值以用于识别文件。 下面还应用了可以删除或更改的文件掩码"xlsx" 它使用正则表达式根据您指定的模式查找合格的文件名。

Option Explicit

Public Sub GetLastestDateFile()
    Dim FileSys As Object, objFile As Object, myFolder As Object, strFile As String, dteFile As Long
    Const myDir As String = "C:\Users\User\Desktop\TestFolder"
    Set FileSys = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set myFolder = FileSys.GetFolder(myDir)

    Dim fileName As String, tempDate As Long, fileMask As String

    dteFile = 0: fileMask = "xlsx"
    For Each objFile In myFolder.Files
        If FileSys.GetExtensionName(objFile.Path) = fileMask And ValidateFile(Split(objFile.Name, ".xlsx")(0)) Then
            tempDate = GetDateFromFileName(objFile.Name)
            Dim pseudoDate As String
            pseudoDate = ReArrange(tempDate)
            If pseudoDate > dteFile Then dteFile = pseudoDate
        End If
    Next objFile
    If Not tempDate = 0 Then Workbooks.Open (myDir & "\" & "Fundings " & Format$(ReArrange(dteFile), "000000") & "." & fileMask)
End Sub

Public Function ReArrange(ByVal tempDate As String) As String
    tempDate = Format$(tempDate, "000000")
    ReArrange = Format$(Right$(tempDate, 2), "00") & Format$(Mid$(tempDate, 3, 2), "00") & Format$(Left$(tempDate, 2), "00")
End Function

Public Function ValidateFile(ByVal fileName As String) As Boolean
    With CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
        .Global = True
        .MultiLine = True
        .Pattern = "Fundings\s\d{6}$"
        ValidateFile = .test(fileName)
    End With
End Function

Public Function GetDateFromFileName(ByVal fileName As String) As Date
    On Error GoTo errhand
    GetDateFromFileName = Split(Split(fileName, "Fundings ")(1), ".")(0)
    Exit Function
    GetDateFromFileName = 0
End Function






\\s匹配任何空格字符(等于[\\r\\n\\t\\f\\v ]





'遍历文件夹中的每个Excel文件Do While Len(MyFile)> 0

  'Assign the date/time of the current file to a variable LMD = Date 'If the date/time of the current file is greater than the latest 'recorded date, assign its filename and date/time to variables If LMD > LatestDate Then LatestFile = MyFile LatestDate = LMD End If 'Get the next Excel file from the folder MyFile = Dir 





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