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如何在 Apache Commons Email 1.4 中接收和区分常规附件和内联附件

[英]How to receive and distinguish between regular attachments and inline attachments in Apache Commons Email 1.4


MimeMessageParser mimeMessageParser = parse(message);


 if (mimeMessageParser.hasAttachments()) {
     List<DataSource> attachments = mimeMessageParser.getAttachmentList();
     for (DataSource dataSource : attachments) {
         saveAttachment(dataSource, subjectLineProperties, documentToUpload, firstHeaders);

问题是 getAttachmentList 也返回内嵌图像,如企业徽标的签名行,我们不想将内嵌图像作为附件拉出。 我们只想要实际的电子邮件附件。 ATTACHMENT 与 INLINE,但我们也无法通过 Apache Commons Email 1.4 版本访问 java.mail 配置,并且找不到解决方案。 我检查了他们的文档https://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-email/javadocs/api-1.4/index.html

没运气。 似乎附件 DataSource 只允许我获取内容和内容类型和名称,但如果它是内联附件/图像或像 Mime Parts 这样的常规附件,则不能。

我的印象是没有进入较低级别的解决方法......但我还没有检查所有附件类型 - 仅使用图像。 像这样的东西:

for(DataSource ds : mimeMessageParser.getAttachmentList()) {
    for(String id : mimeMessageParser.getContentIds()) {
        if(ds == mimeMessageParser.findAttachmentByCid(id)) {
            // It is inline attachment with Content ID
    // If not found - it is file attachment without content ID

答案是 Apache Commons Email 做不到这样的事情。 您必须在 JDK 中进行较低级别的编码,并对老式的 MimeMessage 和 MultiPart 类进行编码,以便进行这些区分。

所以从 mimeMessageParser.getAttachmentList(); 打电话给我们现在有

        if (mimeMessageParser.hasAttachments()) {
            final Multipart mp = (Multipart) message.getContent();
            if (mp != null) {
                List<DataSource> attachments = extractAttachment(mp);
                for (DataSource dataSource : attachments) {
                    saveAttachment(dataSource, subjectLineProperties, documentToUpload, firstHeaders);

private static List<DataSource> extractAttachment(Multipart multipart) {
    List<DataSource> attachments = new ArrayList<>();
    try {

        for (int i = 0; i < multipart.getCount(); i++) {
            BodyPart bodyPart = multipart.getBodyPart(i);

            if (bodyPart.getContent() instanceof Multipart) {
                // part-within-a-part, do some recursion...
                extractAttachment((Multipart) bodyPart.getContent());

            System.out.println("bodyPart.getDisposition(): " + bodyPart.getDisposition());
            if (!Part.ATTACHMENT.equalsIgnoreCase(bodyPart.getDisposition())) {
                continue; // dealing with attachments only

            InputStream is = bodyPart.getInputStream();
            String fileName = bodyPart.getFileName();
            String contentType = bodyPart.getContentType();
            ByteArrayDataSource dataSource = new ByteArrayDataSource(is, contentType);
    } catch (IOException | MessagingException e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block
    return attachments;


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