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[英]How to use a virtual property when initializing anonymous type Entity Framework


context.CalibrationTargets.AddOrUpdate(x => new { calId = x.CalibrationSetup.Id, targetIndex = x.TargetIndex },
            new CalibrationTarget()...


属性表达式x => new <>f__AnonymousType102(calId = x.CalibrationSetup.Id, targetIndex = x.TargetIndex)无效。 该表达式应表示一个属性:C#: t => t.MyProperty Function(t) t.MyProperty 当指定多个属性时,请使用匿名类型:C#: t => new { t.MyProperty1, t.MyProperty2 } VB.Net:`Function(t)New with {t.MyProperty1,t.MyProperty2}

同样在阅读了这篇文章后,属性表达式无效。 表达式应该表示一个属性 ,问题似乎是由于CalibrationSetup是一个virtual属性。

有没有一种方法可以解决这个问题,而不必用另一个在匿名类型中不是virtual Calibration_Id列填充数据库?

在不查看模型的情况下很难工作,但是要播种CalibrationTargets,您可能需要以下类似的东西。 您的AddOrUpdate语法也会看起来不正确。 您必须知道要使用的已知值。

    x => x.CalibrationTargetId,  // This is the field that determines uniqueness 
    new CalibrationTarget
        CalibrationTargetId = 1,  // if this is an identity column, omit and use a different field above for uniqueness
        TargetIndex = 99,  // what value for target index? Fixed value or variable can be used
        CalibrationSetup = new CalibrationSetup { Id = 77 }  // Same as above comment
    new CalibrationTarget
        CalibrationTargetId = 2,  // if this is an identity column, omit and use a different field above for uniqueness
        TargetIndex = 88,  // what value for target index? Fixed value or variable can be used
        CalibrationSetup = new CalibrationSetup { Id = 66 }  // Same as above comment
    ... repeat for all seeded records


如果公开了FK CalibrationSetupId,则可以简化。


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