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在 ASP.NET WebApi 2 中测试 OWIN 中间件:如何设置 cookie?

[英]Testing OWIN Middleware in ASP.NET WebApi 2: How to set cookies?

我正在尝试在 ASP.NET WebApi 2 应用程序中测试 OWIN 中间件组件。 中间件应该查看传入请求的 cookie,在将请求传递给下一个组件之前修改请求中的一些内容,并可能在出路时设置一个 cookie。

什么是绊倒我的是, OwinRequest.Cookies属性的类型的RequestCookieCollection ,这似乎并没有允许修改,而本身的属性只读这意味着我不能使用RequestCookieCollection(IDictionary<string,string>)构造函数来初始化一个已经包含 cookie 的集合,并在请求中设置它。


var context = new OwinContext();
// option 1:
context.Request.Cookies.Append("cookie-name", "cookie-value");
// option 2:
var cookies = new RequestCookieCollection(new Dictionary<string, string>{ { "cookie-name", "cookie-value" } });
context.Request.Cookies = cookies;

await myMiddleware.Invoke(context);

// Assert stuff about context.Response


我曾希望不必完全模拟IOwinContext ,因为使用功能良好的RequestResponse对象设置它非常方便(除其他外,我需要在我的实现中查看Request.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated ) .


using RequestDelegate = Func<IOwinContext, Task>;

class MyMiddleware {
    private readonly RequestDelegate next;

    public MyMiddleware(RequestDelegate next) {
        this.next = next;

    public async Task Invoke(IOwinContext context) {
        //The middleware is supposed to look at the cookies of the incoming request, 
        var request = context.Request;
        var authenticated = request.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated;

        var cookies = request.Cookies;
        if (cookies["cookie-name"] != null) {
            // 1. check for existence of a cookie on the incoming request. 
            //if the cookie exists, use its value to set a header, 
            //so that the pipline after this component thinks the header was always present.
            request.Headers.Append("header-name", "header-value");

        //2. call the next component.
        await next.Invoke(context);

        //3. on the way out, check for some conditions, and possibly set a cookie value.
        if (authenticated) {
            context.Response.Cookies.Append("cookie-name", "cookie-value");




然而,Owin 提供了许多抽象,允许对孤立的单元测试进行模拟/存根/伪造所需的行为。


public class OwinMiddlewareCookiesTest {
    public async Task MyMiddleware_Should_Set_RequestHeader_And_ResponseHeader() {
        var cookieStore = new Dictionary<string, string> { { "cookie-name", "cookie-value" } };
        var cookies = new RequestCookieCollection(cookieStore);

        var request = Mock.Of<IOwinRequest>();
        var requestMock = Mock.Get(request);
        requestMock.Setup(_ => _.Cookies).Returns(cookies);
        requestMock.Setup(_ => _.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated).Returns(true);
        requestMock.Setup(_ => _.Headers.Append(It.IsAny<string>(), It.IsAny<string>()));

        var response = new OwinResponse();

        var context = Mock.Of<OwinContext>();
        var contextMock = Mock.Get(context);
        contextMock.CallBase = true;
        contextMock.Setup(_ => _.Request).Returns(request);
        contextMock.Setup(_ => _.Response).Returns(response);

        RequestDelegate next = _ => Task.FromResult((object)null);

        var myMiddleware = new MyMiddleware(next);

        await myMiddleware.Invoke(context);

        requestMock.Verify(_ => _.Headers.Append("header-name", "header-value"));


由于无法覆盖请求实现的Cookies属性,因此必须使用抽象。 然而,这在模拟所需行为方面提供了更大的灵活性。


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