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SQL db2更新查询多行

[英]SQL db2 update query for multiple rows


update tableA set Quantity=
(select count(*) from table B where ID=x)
where ID=x

update tableA set Quantity=
(select sum(Stock) from table C where ID=y)
where ID=y 



来自tableA的所有ID分为2个表:TableB和TableC。 我必须使用TableB的计数更新TableA的数量字段(如果ID.TableA在TableB中),并使用TableC的sun(库存)更新TableA的数量字段(如果ID.TableA在TableC中)

像这样,有50万个ID需要更新。 我想知道如何在不执行500k查询的情况下完成此操作。




update tableA
    set Quantity = (select count(*) from table B where B.ID = A.ID)

对于您的问题,您的表和列的名称对我来说不是100%清楚的,所以我猜测它们的有关信息。 必要时更正:

update tablea a set quantity = case
  when (select count(*) from tableb where b.id = a.id) is not null then
    (select count(*) from tableb b where b.id = a.id)
    (select sum(stock) from tablec c where c.id = a.id)
declare global temporary table tablea(id int not null, quantity int) with replace on commit preserve rows not logged;
declare global temporary table tableb(id int not null) with replace on commit preserve rows not logged;
declare global temporary table tablec(id int not null, stock int) with replace on commit preserve rows not logged;

insert into session.tablea values (1, 0), (2, 0), (3, 0), (4, 0), (5, 0), (6, 0);
insert into session.tableb values 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3;
insert into session.tablec values (4, 3), (5, 2), (5, 2), (5, 1), (6, 3), (6, 4);

update session.tableA a 
set Quantity=coalesce(
  nullif((select count(*)   from session.tableb b where b.ID=a.ID), 0)
, (select sum(stock) from session.tablec c where c.ID=a.ID)

select * from session.tableA;


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