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[英]How to store sessionStorage as a variable so it can be stored in a database


sessionStorage.setItem("loggedInUser", $("#email").val());

但是在另一个程序中,我需要将电子邮件存储为某种东西,以便可以对其进行排序并发布到将其插入到我的数据库中的php文件中。 到目前为止,这是我的JavaScript。

$(document).ready(function () {
        //When the submit button on the recruitment form is pressed.
        $("#SubmitRecruit").on("click", function () {
                //store each individual entry into a separate variable.
                var email = sessionStorage.loggedInUser;
                var forename = document.getElementById("forename").value;
                var surname = document.getElementById("surname").value;
                var jobType = document.getElementById("jobType").value;
                var phoneNo = document.getElementById("phoneNo").value;

                //create an array with the details in.
                var recruitdetail = {
                    email: email,
                    forename: forename,
                    surname: surname,
                    password: password,
                    phoneNo: phoneNo,
                //log the forename in the console so that we know that the register has been successful.
                //direct the user to the login page and alert them that their registration was successful.
                window.location.href = "../index.html"
                alert("Your recruitment post was made, thank you. We will get back to you shortly.")
                //posts the JSON object to the php file so it can fill the database, and converts the register array into JSON so it can be read. 
                var jqxhr = $.post("../php/recruit.php", JSON.stringify(recruitdetail)


在第五行,我尝试使其等于sessionStorage.loggedInUser,但无济于事。 我知道我肯定需要将电子邮件存储为会话中的某种内容,因为那样的话,它将被传递回php并存储在db中,但是我不知道该怎么做或如何做。 任何帮助将不胜感激。


var email = sessionStorage.getItem("loggedInUser");



//posts the JSON object to the php file so it can fill the database, and converts the register array into JSON so it can be read. 
var jqxhr = $.post("../php/recruit.php", recruitdetail, function(data) {
    alert("Your recruitment post was made, thank you. We will get back to you shortly.")

附带说明-如果您有一个用户/登录名表,则每个用户的电子邮件应存储在该表中。 然后,您的用户表和其他表之间的外键将是一个(自动递增)ID,而不是电子邮件地址。 这使系统更加灵活(可以更改电子邮件等)。

为了将本地存储与我们的数组一起使用,我们需要使用一种使我们稍后轻松进行转换的方法将数组转换为字符串。 将数组转换为字符串的方法是使用JSON stringify函数。


var movie = [[“ Reservoir Dogs”,“ Pulp Fiction”,“ Jackie Brown”,“ Kill Bill”,“ Death Proof”,“ Inglourious Basterds”]; 使用字符串化功能,可以使用以下语法将电影数组转换为字符串:


var movie = [[“ Reservoir Dogs”,“ Pulp Fiction”,“ Jackie Brown”,“ Kill Bill”,“ Death Proof”,“ Inglourious Basterds”];

localStorage.setItem(“ quentinTarantino”,JSON.stringify(movies));


如果在同一个域中,但是只是一个不同的应用程序在不同的选项卡中运行,则可以使用localStorage ,其语法与sessionStorage相同。 请注意, sessionStorage数据仅限于设置它的选项卡。

localStorage.setItem("loggedInUser", $("#email").val());


        var email = localStorage.loggedInUser;

或者您可以使用cookie。 https://www.w3schools.com/js/js_cookies.asp


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