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[英]javascript function to search for object property and return value

我有一个字符串: const phrase = "there is a blue bird in the forest";


const color = {
'blue': 20,
'red': 10,
'yellow': 5


我正在使用Lodash,但不知道如何编写此函数(_.some, _.find?)

如果需要获取字符串中所有颜色的总值,则可以使用Array.reduce() (或lodash的_.reduce() )。 将词组更改为小写,将其用空格分开,减少并求和颜色的值(或换句话说,为0):

 const color = { 'blue': 20, 'red': 10, 'yellow': 5 }; const getColorsValue = (p) => p.toLowerCase() .split(/\\s+/) .reduce((s, w) => s + (color[w] || 0), 0); console.log(getColorsValue('there is a blue bird in the forest')); // 20 console.log(getColorsValue('there is a blue bird in the red forest')); // 30 

这对您很有用,请查看此代码或在下面找到代码: https : //dustinpfister.github.io/2017/09/14/lodash-find/

var db_array = [

    name : 'Dave',
    sex : 'male',
    age : 34

    name: 'Jake',
    sex : 'male',
    age : 22

    name :'Jane',
    sex : 'female',
    age : 27


// find dave
q = _.find(db_array, {name:'Dave'});

console.log(q); // {name:'Dave',sex:male,age:34}


 const phrase = "there is a blue bird in the forest"; const color = { 'blue': 20, 'red': 10, 'yellow': 5 }; let key = Object.keys(color).find(color => phrase.includes(color)); if(key) console.log(color[key]); 


 const phrase = "there is a blue bird in the forest"; const color = { 'blue': 20, 'red': 10, 'yellow': 5 }; const result = color[Object.keys(color).find(v => phrase.indexOf(v) !== -1)]; console.log(result); // 20 

尝试使用Underscore.js库 _.where(list, properties)


const phrase = "there is a blue bird in the forest";
const color = { 'blue': 20, 'red': 10, 'yellow': 5 };

const phraseValues = phrase.split(' ');
const colorValues = Object.keys(color)

const isKeyPresent = !!_.intersection(phraseValues , colorValues).length


 const phrase = "there is a blue bird in the forest"; const color = { 'blue': 20, 'red': 10, 'yellow': 5 }; let res = phrase.split(' ').flatMap(d => color[d] || []) console.log(res[0] || 'No color is present') 


 const data = "blue and red bird with blue feathers" const color = { 'blue': 20, 'red': 10, 'yellow': 5 } const result = Object.keys(color).reduce((r, k) => (data.replace(new RegExp(k, 'g'), () => r += color[k]), r), 0) console.log(result) // 50 since it has 2 "blue" and 1 "red" 


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