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[英]How to read the text in a input tag in a p tag?


<div class="container">
<p class="section-description" id="txt">Today I went to the zoo. I saw a(n) <input placeholder="noun"> <input placeholder="adjective"> jumping up and down in its tree. He <input placeholder="verb, past tense"> <input placeholder="adverb"> through the large tunnel that led to its <input placeholder="adjective"> <input placeholder="noun">. I got some peanuts and passed them through the cage to a gigantic gray <input placeholder="noun"> towering above my head. Feeding that animal made me. </p>


let synth = window.speechSynthesis;

let inputTxt = document.getElementById('txt');

function speak() {
if (synth.speaking) {
    let utterThis = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance(inputTxt.innerHTML);

    let selectedOption = voiceSelect.selectedOptions[0].getAttribute('data-name');
    for (i = 0; i < voices.length; i++) {
        if (voices[i].name === selectedOption) {
            utterThis.voice = voices[i];


您正在获取的innerHTML不会读取text ,而是会读取html

为了连接input元素和text ,实际上您将需要在代码的某处将两者结合起来。 可能在speak功能内。


let compiledStr = "";
inputTxt.childNodes.forEach(i =>
compiledStr += (i.nodeType === 3) ? 
  i.textContent : 

上面的操作是inputTxt元素的子节点。 它获取任何text nodestextContent (纯文本)或任何element nodesvalue ,并将它们按顺序缝合在一起。

要查看其工作原理的简单示例,请 确保单击输入句子下方的“编译”按钮

 let synth = window.speechSynthesis; let inputTxt = document.getElementById('txt'); document.querySelector("button").addEventListener("click", function() { let compiledStr = ""; inputTxt.childNodes.forEach(i => compiledStr += (i.nodeType === 3) ? i.textContent : i.value); console.log(compiledStr); }); 
 <div class="container"> <p class="section-description" id="txt">Today I went to the zoo. I saw a(n) <input placeholder="noun" id="noun1"> <input placeholder="adjective" id="adjective1"> jumping up and down in its tree. He <input placeholder="verb, past tense" id="verb1"> <input placeholder="adverb" id="adverb1"> through the large tunnel that led to its <input placeholder="adjective" id="adjective2"> <input placeholder="noun" id="noun2">. I got some peanuts and passed them through the cage to a gigantic gray <input placeholder="noun" id="noun3"> towering above my head. Feeding that animal made me. </p> </div> <hr> <button>Click Me to Compile</button> 


 let synth = window.speechSynthesis; let inputTxt = document.getElementById('txt'); function speak() { let inputTxt = document.getElementById('txt'); let compiledStr = ""; inputTxt.childNodes.forEach(i => compiledStr += (i.nodeType === 3) ? i.textContent : i.value); if (synth.speaking) { console.error('speechSynthesis.speaking'); return; } let utterThis = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance(compiledStr); let selectedOption = voiceSelect.selectedOptions[0].getAttribute('data-name'); for (i = 0; i < voices.length; i++) { if (voices[i].name === selectedOption) { utterThis.voice = voices[i]; } } synth.speak(utterThis); } 
 <div class="container"> <p class="section-description" id="txt">Today I went to the zoo. I saw a(n) <input placeholder="noun" id="noun1"> <input placeholder="adjective" id="adjective1"> jumping up and down in its tree. He <input placeholder="verb, past tense" id="verb1"> <input placeholder="adverb" id="adverb1"> through the large tunnel that led to its <input placeholder="adjective" id="adjective2"> <input placeholder="noun" id="noun2">. I got some peanuts and passed them through the cage to a gigantic gray <input placeholder="noun" id="noun3"> towering above my head. Feeding that animal made me. </p> </div> 


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